Valérie Pécresse presents her “one hundred days for the recovery of France”

by time news

Ten days before the first round of the presidential election, the candidate of the Les Républicains (LR) party, Valérie Pécresse, presented, on Thursday March 31, the timetable for the priority reforms that she intends to launch before the fall, if she is elected President of the Republic on April 24. This calendar of “one hundred days for the recovery of France” – in reality, rather of the first six months – is intended “a project of rupture after years of inaction and renunciation”advanced the candidate during her press conference.

“There will be no parliamentary recess because we are going to work”she warned, while promising to be “a president who will concert” elected officials and intermediary bodies. “Seven Great Initiatives” will be launched without expect “a promis Mme Pécresse, including the organization of a European summit at the end of June, at the end of the French presidency of the European Union (PFUE), “devoted to protecting the interests of Europe and Europeans”a “strategic review” of defense or even the launch of a “social and wage conference” to allow the 10% increase in wages that it advocates.

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A “simplification conference”, piloted by an ad hoc minister, will be launched, as well as a “audit of all of France’s public accounts”, and, on the model of the Grenelle Environment Forum, a “Environmental Palace” for “restore the trajectory of the fight against global warming” at the highest state level.

A schedule conducted in two phases by the fall

Ahead of the June legislative elections, Mme Pécresse has also undertaken to repeal the Valls circular on the regularization of undocumented foreigners, dating from 2012, the reform of the senior civil service as well as that of justice, limiting imprisonment for short sentences, launched by Emmanuel Macron .

After the legislative elections, the current president of the Ile-de-France region has promised to put on track “five founding bills” : one on education “to give more autonomy to institutions”another on the “health to put an end to medical deserts”, two texts on taxation as well as the pension reform for a lowering of the retirement age to 65 years. Finally, Valérie Pécresse promised a bill “zero impunity” and a referendum in the fall for “put an end to uncontrolled immigration”.

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As the election in the French polls approaches, Ms. Pécresse said on Thursday that“it was important to show that we are ready, that we have a team capable of exercising responsibilities tomorrow”. Distanced for several weeks in the polls, where she is in fifth position behind MM. Zemmour and Mélenchon, the right-wing candidate is playing her all in the home stretch of the campaign.

Despite the war in Ukraine, “we can change captain, and have a president who within 180 days after her election will change France with bills already written”she argued. “We will do them because we will be prepared for them”added the boss of the LR senators, Bruno Retailleau, responsible for putting the project of the “First 100 Days” within the power of the candidate.

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