Valérie Pécresse, Richard Ferrand and Christophe Castaner denounce the slogans chanted at the meeting of Eric Zemmour

by time news

Eric Zemmour wanted to make it a show of force, but his meeting at the Trocadéro, in Paris, on Sunday March 27, could finally turn against him two weeks before the first round of the presidential election. In question, slogans “Macron assassin” launched by some of his activists during his speech, without the candidate of Reconquest! don’t react.

Relive the political rallies: Eric Zemmour at Trocadero, Jean-Luc Mélenchon in Marseille and Yannick Jadot in Paris

The scene took place when Mr. Zemmour was talking about the “daily tragedies that undergo” the French, about insecurity. “Some are indignant at my firmness. What makes me indignant are not the words and the concepts, it is the daily dramas that you undergohe explained. What makes me indignant is that we will never give peace to Evelyne Reybert, mother of Julien, massacred before the eyes of her child in Romans-sur-Isère. What makes me indignant is that we will never console the children of Sarah Halimi or Mireille Knoll. We will never do justice to all those whom the State has failed to protect. »

“I am here to fight against fate”, he shouts as the cries of « Macron assassin » by activists present. “Each came with their hopes, worries, expectations, I want to tell each of you how much I understand youcontinues Mr. Zemmour. Let’s make an oath that we will fight together for the next fifteen days, as well as for the next five years and the rest of our lives. I will fight for the reconquest of our identity, our prosperity, the serenity of our country. »

Read the report: Article reserved for our subscribers In Metz, Eric Zemmour encourages his base to beware of pollsters and journalists

Zemmour’s behavior deemed “unworthy”

At the end of the afternoon on Sunday, the presidential majority denounced Eric Zemmour’s lack of reaction to these slogans. The President of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand attacked the Reconquest candidate! in a post on Twitter. “The death slogans echo the political rattle of those who have “French suicide” (title of a book by Mr. Zemmour) for obsession and hatred for only viaticumhe wrote. The fantasy of the “great replacement” will vanish by democratic ousting on April 10th. The French will choose hope not delirium. »

Guest of BFM-TV, the president of La République en marche (LRM), Christophe Castaner, judged “unworthy” behavior of Mr. Zemmour. “It’s irresponsible and he demonstrated this afternoon his presidential impedimenthe launched on BFM-TV. It is unworthy of a function of political leader. » For Mr. Castaner, “the paradox is that in this meeting, Eric Zemmour calls for the union of the rights. But he’s not from the right, he’s not the Republican right. […] The Republican right would never do that, but the extreme right, yes. »

“The death slogans echo the political rattle of those who have “French suicide” (title of a book by Mr. Zemmour) for obsession and hatred for only viaticumhe wrote on Twitter. The fantasy of the “great replacement” will vanish by democratic eviction on April 10th. The French will choose hope not delirium. »

For the LRM president of the law commission at the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, what happened is “shameful and serious”. “The first thing, when you want to become President of the Republic, is to respect it and have it respected by everyone”she said on Twitter.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Eric Zemmour faces the wall of credibility as the 2022 presidential election approaches

Two weeks before the first round of the presidential election, the right also attacked Mr. Zemmour. At the end of his speech, the candidate Les Républicains (LR), Valérie Pécresse, reproached him for having “leave[é] a crowd shouting “Macron assassin””during its Paris meeting. “I strongly fight the outgoing president, but letting an opponent be treated as a murderer is dangerous for the Republic, she continued in a tweet. This is definitely not right! That’s not my France! »

“How can a candidate for the presidential election let the crowd shout “Macron assassin” in the middle of a meeting?, wonders for his part the boss of the LR deputies, Damien Abad. A shame for democracy and the Republic to hear such remarks. The Republican right has nothing in common with this candidate of disrespect. »

“I have friends at the Republicans and I will welcome them”

Several tens of thousands of people were present on Sunday March 27 at the Trocadéro for Eric Zemmour's meeting.

These attacks come as Eric Zemmour has, on numerous occasions Sunday afternoon, called for the union of the rights after the first round. “I chose the Trocadero because we can no longer stand the divisions of the patriots which are the cause of our defeatshe launched. I will need everyone: the Gaullists, the sovereignists, all the patriots on the right. » The Reconquest candidate! then called for a rally in the second round by applauding several elected officials from the Les Républicains (LR) and National Rally (RN) parties.

“I have friends at Les Républicains and I will welcome them. I have friends at RN. Yes, I will need Eric Ciotti, applaud him. Yes, I will need François-Xavier Bellamy, Laurent Wauquiez, Nadine Morano, Jordan Bardellahe lists. This is the idea I have of the union of rights. It is thanks to this union that we can create surprise against Emmanuel Macron. » Claiming to “the right of Charles Pasqua and Philippe Séguin”Mr. Zemmour considers that Valérie Pécresse is “a centrist”. As for Marine Le Pen, it is according to him “a socialist in economics who no longer wants to take the risk of displeasing the media on sovereign subjects”.

At the end of his speech, he then targeted more particularly the voters of the Les Républicains party. “who are tired of seeing their ideas betrayed” and to “National Front voters who have seen their ideas vegetate in sterile opposition for too long”. “How much longer do you want to remain spectators of the decline of your country? »he questioned, promising that his candidacy “Fall all predictions” on the evening of the first round, April 10.

On the « Macron assassin » a crowd, “Eric Zemmour did not hear it and he would not take up the expression on his own”, defends the campaign team of the far-right polemicist, who specifies that his candidate “condemn what the crowd said at that time”.

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