Valérie Pécresse waves the threat of a Navigo pass at 100 euros because of inflation

by time news

Faced with the inflation that is taking hold in the French economy, everyone is looking for a way to balance their budget and distribute the burden. At the head of the Ile-de-France region, Valérie Pécresse (LR) is directly confronted with the problem as president of Ile-de-France Mobilité (IDFM), the organizing authority for transport in the capital region. She reminds him:

“We have to face the wave of 2023: an absolutely colossal increase in energy prices for daily transport. »

Valérie Pécresse estimates the additional cost for operation at 950 million euros, out of a total budget of nearly 11 billion.

“I refuse the Navigo pass at 100 euros. It would be socially unsustainable”, Valérie Pécresse

L’“railway inflation”, the contours of which it does not specify, aggravates a drift linked to the drop in transport use since the Covid-19 and the opening of new lines. IDFM would have found 200 million euros in savings or new revenue, but there is still a hole of 750 million to fill. It is enormous. Contrary to her positioning in the presidential campaign, Valérie Pécresse does not want to be the Margaret Thatcher of Ile-de-France and pass the bill on to users. This would amount to increasing the monthly price of the Navigo subscription by 25 euros, which currently costs 75.20 euros. “I refuse the Navigo pass at 100 euros, she warns. It would be socially unsustainable.. So who will pay?

This is the next fight of the president of the region: to put the hand in the wallet to all the actors involved in transport in the Ile-de-France region. Communities first. They contribute €1.3 billion to IDFM’s budget, so their share should be €100 million. Half will be paid by the region, a quarter by Paris – Anne Hidalgo, the mayor (PS) risks being presented with a fait accompli by the board of directors of IDFM -, 17% by Hauts-de-Seine , the other departments sharing the rest.

An effort is requested from the RATP and the SNCF, of 100 million euros each. Valérie Pécresse affirms that they have the margin and says she is, possibly, ready to agree to extend their contract in return. That of the RATP, for example, runs from 2021 to 2024. But the management indicates that it already has a clause for sharing results with IDFM in the event of overperformance, which so far has not yet reached its trigger threshold.

For an increase in the contribution of companies

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