Vallés, Ana Rosa Quintana, Alsina and Inda defend press freedom against attacks by Podemos

by time news

That the “fourth estate” is subject to criticism is entirely natural. That the trials usually come from the same side has also become a tradition. But that the party that for the umpteenth time points to the media, then has its own outlet directed by its former general secretary, Pablo Iglesias, and uses it as a battering ram against its rival, ends up becoming a double standard that becomes against.

Podemos launched a promotional video on its social networks on Tuesday to mobilize its bases to attend its “Spring Festival” in Zaragoza this Friday. Some resources in which under the slogan “You, who do not shut up”, the purples pointed to various journalists and the media, not for the first time. «This is a message for you, that you feel angry when you listen to Ana Rosa on television at the hairdresser and you do not shut up and say in front of everyone that that lady is a scoundrel. This is a message for you, that you are a taxi driver and if a client asks you to put the Cope, do not shut up and say no, because you remember who defended you from Uber, “they recounted, among other insults to journalists. It is not the first time that the party attacks the press. They do it every time they meet journalists who criticize their slogans or dismantle them. When Pablo Iglesias was vice president, he accused the media of lacking credibility and proposed creating “control elements to democratize the media.”

After the video broadcast by the purple party, the Madrid Press Association (APM) has come out in defense of the journalists and has demanded that Podemos stop its “insults” to the collective. In a statement, they warn that the freedom of expression to which both journalists and political parties or any citizen are entitled “cannot become an instrument to try to intimidate information professionals and try to get them to censor themselves.” to avoid being singled out.” In addition, they believe that the broadcast of this video or similar attacks is a practice that “may affect the integrity of the affected journalists.” It is not the first time that the association has condemned attacks on reporters by Podemos or any of its leaders, for which reason it demands that it avoid disqualifications and respect the free exercise of journalism, “the indisputable pillar of our democracy.”

After the repercussion of the attacks by Podemos, the media outlet directed by Pablo Iglesias, “Canal Red” has dedicated a space to the matter in which it has denounced that the APM “attacks Podemos.” Precisely a medium that, since its launch a month ago, has been characterized by pointing out its rival: in their political gatherings they have not hesitated to charge against the PSOE or to deal day after day with the struggle between Podemos and Sumar, where the Iglesias intervenes to point out Yolanda Díaz, questioning whether she wants the “unity” of the left.

Faced with attacks on journalists, some communication professionals consulted by LA RAZÓN respond. The presenter of the Ana Rosa program answered in the editorial of the program that she directs. «They intend to repeal the gag law by placing a gag on critical journalists. “The rebellion of those who do not keep silent is needed.” and whoever really rules in that party must have considered that the only way to get ahead is to return to its fundamental roots: noise, shouting and insults. Especially against journalists. On May 28 we will know if the strategy works for them”. On the other hand, the director of “Más de Uno” on Onda Cero, Carlos Alsina, believes that the party has the “right” to “criticize what it wants and whoever it wants, including journalists.” He even “has the right to be inquisitive, sectarian and puerile, to envy the professional success of others and suffer from pathological obsessions”. But, he warns, “what is unbearable is his victimhood”. Finally, the director of “Ok Diario”, also a target of criticism of Podemos, describes the purple as “Batasuna 2.0” because in his opinion they do “the same thing” that “Otegi and company did with critical journalists: point them out so that they put fear into their bodies. I know what I am talking about, I have been suffering from it for many years, Iglesias and Montero have reached the point of asking that they put me in jail, “he recalls.

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