Value sharing: Borne promises to write the agreement between unions and employers in law

by time news

It is a response to the call of the social partners. Elisabeth Borne promised on Monday to transcribe into law an agreement recently concluded between unions and employers on “value sharing”, which generalizes profit-sharing or participation schemes to all companies with more than 11 employees.

“I am making a commitment on behalf of the government, we will respect the compromise reached between the social partners and we will propose the faithful and total transcription of this agreement into law”, declared the Prime Minister, qualifying this agreement as ” very rich” and “historical” for SMEs.

She spoke to several ministers, Bruno Le Maire (Economy), Gérald Darmanin (Interior), Olivier Dussopt (Labour), Clément Beaune (Transport) and Olivia Grégoire (PME), and the Renaissance presidential party, meeting in convention around this theme in the Paris offices of Qonto, a start-up which notably offers financial services for small businesses.

“Social dialogue continues and is bearing fruit”

This agreement, which could be transcribed into the draft law on “full employment” expected in the spring, is open for signature by trade unions and employers’ organizations until Wednesday. Two unions, the CFDT and the CFTC, have already announced their intention to sign it.

“This agreement is first and foremost proof that despite the context” of the conflict between the government and the unions on the pension reform, “the social dialogue continues and is bearing fruit”, rejoiced the head of government. , also in the presence of representatives of the allied parties, Jean-François Mattéi (MoDem), author of an amendment rejected by the executive aimed at taxing more “super-dividends”, and Louis Vogel (Horizons).

“These are important measures, which will have a lasting impact on the purchasing power of employees and their association with the life of their company. These are significant measures, which prove that we are right to trust social dialogue”, she underlined. “It’s a very rich agreement, which touches on a wide range of subjects”.

Medef’s warning

Élisabeth Borne also invited the representatives of Renaissance, who must present proposals on the same theme, that these, if they are issued “over the transitional period, between today and the entry into force of the national interprofessional agreement in 2025”, are “faithful to the agreement and obtain the approval of all the signatory parties”.

“I hope that the government will resume this agreement” and “any unraveling of this agreement would be for me a stab in the back of the social partners”, warned Sunday the boss of the bosses, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux.

The secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, also asked on Monday that the agreement be “respected in parliament”, otherwise “it would be a tripping up of social democracy, there have been too many lately to start again”.

While the government is trying to take the pill from retirement to 64 by showing itself open to measures on the quality of life at work, the Prime Minister also considered that “the sharing of value raises questions, in reality, more broadly our relationship to work and to the company”.

“Some (…) praise idleness. We know that it is through work that we will be able to finance our social model,” she insisted. “There is no great resignation on the job but great expectations”, affirmed for his part Bruno Le Maire.

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