Vaping: this is how the tobacco industry gets to your children

by time news

2023-07-12 22:51:52

saturated nurse

Updated Wednesday, July 12, 2023 – 22:51

Vaping is no game, as much as the tobacco industry has tried to make it seem that way. It is the gateway to tobacco use

Illustration by LUIS PAREJO

A few days ago, the video of a girl, about 9 or 10 years old, who was celebrating her First Communion, went viral on social networks. The reason for such virality was that in the images he appeared opening a gift box that contained up to a total of 20 vapers or electronic cigarettesto the delight of her parents, other invited children and herself.

A video that has brought to the table a problem that has been on the street for some time and that especially affects children and adolescents. Vaping is no game, as much as the tobacco industry has tried to make it seem that way. It is the gateway to tobacco use.

X-ray of the situation

According to data from the Spanish Society of Family Medicine, 45% of teens ages 14-18 have ever vaped; but the most worrying thing is that one in five does it daily. Science tells us that if a person has never smoked before the age of 18, it is very difficult for them to end up being a smoker, the tobacco industry knows this and is willing to do whatever it takes to continue having customers.

This is how they manage to reach the youngest

In order to reach the young public, it is not only enough that vapers have bright colors and attractive flavors and smells. This part is essential, since the smell of tobacco is not pleasant and is identified with a harmful habit, but the smell of strawberries or blueberries is pleasant and gives a false sense of innocuousness. In fact, 40% of adolescents think they are not harmful.

The other way to reach the public between 14 and 18 years old is the social networks, especially TikTok, and since there is currently no specific regulation on the advertising of these vapers on networks, manufacturers have an open field. One look at this platform is enough to find sweepstakes, challenges with influencers and all kinds of videos promoting its consumption.

In addition, getting them is very easy. They can be bought on a multitude of web pages, vending machines, kiosks or supermarkets and for less than ten euros they promise hundreds of puffs.

The position of official organizations

The Ministry of Health prepared a draft within the so-called Comprehensive Plan for the prevention and control of smoking. In that documente intends to equate vapers to tobaccosomething that would mean that they would be placed in a very restrictive regulatory framework, especially with regard to their sale and advertising, the problem is that this document has been stopped for more than a year.

For its part, the World Health Organization has published a study that shows that children and adolescents who vape, multiply by three the chances of smoking tobacco upon reaching adulthood. It should be remembered that the WHO can only publish recommendations, and it is up to the state agencies of each country to restrict their sale and consumption.

What’s inside a vape

a compound liquid 70% propylene glycol and 30% vegetable glycerin. Water-soluble aromas and, optionally, nicotine are added to this mixture.

Most of these vapers or electronic cigarettes are to be used and thrown away. They also contain a battery and a resistance that is activated and heats up with each inhalation, the liquid vaporizes and the smoker inhales it.

The health hazards

Propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin are toxic substances that cause lung irritation, as well as inflammation of the tissues of the mouth. In the case of nicotine vapers, they also generate a great dependence on this substance and it is not possible to detect it when we use it. To know if it contains nicotine or not, we must look at the ingredients since it does not alter its taste or smell. Another important consequence of the continued use of vapers is lipoid pneumonia.

The long-term damage is unknown, since it is a fairly new product and the scientific studies we have are scarce, but despite this, they all warn of important health consequences.

Do they help you quit smoking?

Initially, they were sold as the solution to quit smoking, as a healthier alternative to tobacco that would get smokers to kick the habit, but this claim has proven to be false. false in the vast majority of cases. The cases of tobacco users who have managed to quit smoking thanks to these vapers are anecdotal, but on the contrary, they have managed to attract a public that was totally foreign to this habit.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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#Vaping #tobacco #industry #children

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