Varese, teacher stabbed in the back: 17-year-old Italian student stopped by the police. The school: «he has mental disorders»

by time news

by Andrea Camurani

The attack in the Enaip professional institute. The victim, a 57-year-old teacher, is in code yellow. A witness: “There were no arguments, it was a sudden gesture.” The precedent of Abbiategrasso, in the Milan area

Shot in the back by a student at the school entrance: a 57-year-old teacher ended up in the Varese emergency room on Monday morning with stab wounds. The incident happened before 8am at Enaip: it is a professional institute located in via Giulio Uberti, a semi-central location in the city. Several police cars rushed to the scene and arrested the young man in flagrante delicto. He is a 17 year old Italian. “It was very fast, we almost didn’t realize what had happened, there were no arguments, it was sudden” says an educator at the school who witnessed the attack.

Psychologists supporting kids

The attacker is a “subject to a functional diagnosis”, explains the same institute, that is, with mental problems. The teacher was initially helped by colleagues and secretarial staff, who then alerted the police and 118. She remained conscious at all times. “The incident occurred inside the school hall, subsequently the boy stopped near the school to talk to some teachers while waiting for the police”, the institute specifies. «My job is to protect the 400 mostly minors who study here», the words of the director of Enaip, «there are already psychologists present who are helping the boys».

The investigations

From initial information, the incident occurred after lessons had already begun, with most of the students in class. The police are acquiring summary testimonial information. The motive for the gesture is not yet clear: investigators are currently interviewing some teachers. The teacher who was attacked appears to have been on the school staff for some time.

Hit with a jackknife

118 sent an ambulance and a medical vehicle which rescued the woman, who was apparently hit by several blows: once stabilized the patient ended up in yellow code in the emergency room of the Circolo di Varese hospital. The weapon with which the blows were launched was a switchblade found by the officers and seized.

«The school is aware of the seriousness of the event and has already taken steps to give the children and teachers psychological support in order to deal with the situation as best as possible. Furthermore, it is appropriate to underline that the boy, the perpetrator of the attack, has always been followed with competence and professionalism by the school and accompanied to improve his psycho-attitudinal skills”. All the management and staff “express solidarity with the injured colleague and do not want to lack support and support for the young man and his family”.

Updates arrive from the Varese hospital on the health status of the injured teacher: she underwent emergency surgery which went well and will soon be transferred to an ordinary ward and not to intensive care. The School Councilor of the Municipality of Varese Rossella Dimaggio expresses «closeness and wishes for a speedy recovery to the teacher attacked this morning. Maximum solidarity towards those who play such an important role as that of the education of our boys and girls. These phenomena are the sign of an educational emergency and demonstrate how urgent it is for the Government to allocate resources and tools, including for psychological support for our children, and not leave teachers and young people alone in such important places as schools. ».

The previous

Last May another teacher (Elisabetta Condò, 51 years old) was stabbed in the Milan area, at the Alessandrini institute in Abbiategrasso, by a 16-year-old student of the scientific high school who hit her with a hunting knife in front of his classmates, causing serious injuries to her height of the scapula, at the head and at the wrist. For that episode the boy had been rejected and expelled from school. During her convalescence, Condò had reported that she had never received a direct apology from her boyfriend and her family.

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February 5, 2024 (modified February 5, 2024 | 2:17 pm)


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