Vargas Llosa, on the emeritus: “Spain is not fully recognizing the freedom we enjoy”

by time news

Thursday, February 9, 2023, 8:59 p.m.

It was one of the most anticipated images: the arrival of the king emeritus at the investiture ceremony of Mario Vargas Llosa as a member of the French Academy. “I am divinely,” he said to questions from the media. Don Juan Carlos was personally invited by the writer himself to the ceremony, to which he attended accompanied by the Infanta Cristina.

For his part, Vargas Llosa said that “the king emeritus has made me a very nice gesture by coming. I am very grateful to him and the princess that they have been here. I think they have given a certain enhancement to the ceremony and I am very happy and grateful, “said Vargas Llosa after the ceremony. «Without any doubt (his presence of him) was important. The king had to be recognized in an effective way how recognized we Spaniards are for the freedom we enjoy. Spain is not doing it at all,” he concluded.

Emmanuel Macron has invited the new member of the Academy to a dinner at the Élysée this Friday, which the king emeritus could also attend, according to some sources.

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