Varicose veins, more than an aesthetic concern

by time news



Varicose veins in the legs are often considered a cosmetic problem. However, varicose veins are a reflection or warning of a health problem. The chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a common disease in the general population. It is more common in women, but men are not exempt from presenting this pathology.

The presence of varicose veins, far from being a purely aesthetic concern, can affect the quality of life.

As the head of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Unit at the Ruber Internacional Hospital in Madrid, Dr. Pablo Gallo, explains, over time discomfort may arise in the legs, such as heaviness or pain, a sensation of cramps or tingling, or swelling ( oedema), skin color changes, etc. “These discomforts are usually more intense during prolonged periods of standing and during the hottest months,” says Dr. Gallo.

According to the expert at Hospital Ruber Internacional, if chronic venous insufficiency is not diagnosed or treated in a timely manner, it can lead to complications such as venous ulcers and varicose veins, which is bleeding from a varicose vein, because they are fragile veins and susceptible to breakage. “Thrombophlebitis can also occur, which is an inflammation of the varicose vein manifesting as an indurated and very painful cord. Without forgetting that in some cases the cause of varicose veins in the legs may be due to varicose veins in the pelvis (pelvic congestion syndrome), it should be suspected when repeated varicose veins appear despite performing treatments on the legs, or in the presence of genital varices and when accompanied by chronic pelvic pain. In these cases, the pelvic veins should be studied”, points out Dr. Pablo Gallo.

Varicose veins, due to their aesthetic relevance, generate doubts about which professional to go to. This pathology must be assessed by a specialist in angiology and vascular surgery, “since initially it must be assessed whether there is established venous insufficiency in the lower limbs or in the pelvis,” says the expert.

Conventional surgery, which consists of making incisions and is more invasive, has currently been displaced by other alternatives that are endovascular techniques

Dr. Pablo Gallo

Head of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Unit

Once diagnosed, treatment should be individualized. “It can be conservative, such as the use of elastic support, medication and other recommendations, without forgetting follow-up, since it is a chronic disease that tends to progress,” Gallo stresses.

However, in some cases chronic venous insufficiency produces severe symptoms that require surgical treatment. Dr. Pablo Gallo points out that there are different therapeutic alternatives. Conventional surgery, which consists of making incisions and is more invasive, has currently been displaced by other alternatives that are endovascular techniques (laser, radiofrequency, etc.).

Image - Once the cause of the varicose veins has been treated, in some cases it is necessary to complement the treatment with sclerotherapy

Once the cause of the varicose veins has been treated, in some cases it is necessary to complement the treatment with sclerotherapy

Dr. Santiago Zubicoa

Head of the Interventional Vascular Radiology Unit

As Dr. Santiago Zubicoa, head of the Interventional Vascular Radiology Unit at Hospital Ruber Internacional, points out, these endovascular techniques are minimally invasive and treat varicose veins on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia and without making incisions, “This contributes to a faster recovery, provides an excellent aesthetic result and incorporation into working life is immediate,” says Dr. Zubicoa.

“Once the cause of varicose veins has been treated, in some cases it is necessary to complement the treatment with sclerotherapy, that is, inject a solution directly into the vein. For this, in the unit we have a vascular aesthetic area, in charge of non-surgical treatments, which are performed on an outpatient basis, with the aim of eliminating different types of varicose veins in the lower limbs and genitals. Sometimes for aesthetic reasons and others as a complement to the varicose vein surgery treatment”, points out Dr. Pablo Gallo.

Both specialists highlight the preventive importance, where healthy lifestyle habits are promoted, promoting a healthy diet and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle.

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