Varicose veins progress slowly, but the surgeon revealed the reasons why postponing treatment can lead to regrets later

by times news cr

2024-07-05 08:01:20

What are varicose veins and why do they occur?

With varicose veins, the veins, usually in the legs, become enlarged, dilated and tortuous. The condition is caused by the valves in the veins, which should normally prevent the backflow of blood, but as the disease progresses, they become weak and vulnerable. In this case, blood pressure in the veins increases and the valves weaken even more.

There are practically no preventive measures against varicose veins – this disease usually occurs for genetic reasons. A disease that started to progress at a young age can eventually become an increasingly difficult problem.

Although varicose veins are usually considered a disease of older people, however, as G. Vaitėnas, angiosurgeon of Antakalnis Polyclinic, says, sometimes teenagers also apply for it, and more often this disease can be diagnosed in women over 30 years old.

Varicose veins are characterized not only by protruding blood vessels on the legs, the disease also manifests itself in (especially at night) cramps, swelling of the legs, swelling, pain, itching. Symptoms often appear during the hot season, especially at the end of the day.

There is no clear reason, but scientific sources indicate that about 30 percent in patients who underwent surgical treatment, varicose veins recurred. “If people have a recurrence of the disease, they think that maybe the surgery was done badly, or maybe the treatment is worthless.” There is no clear reason why this happens, but these are the statistics. For the majority of patients, it is enough to operate only once in their lifetime”, says doctor G. Vaitėnas.

Other patients are afraid of repeat surgery, remembering the treatment many years ago. However, angiosurgeon G. Vaitėnas says that modern operations are much less invasive, fewer cuts are needed, and therefore there is less tissue damage.

“Nowadays, the healing period after vein surgery is much shorter and easier. You can go back to work the very next day after the operation – it doesn’t matter if it’s standing, sitting or physical,” says the doctor, adding that people tolerate pain differently, but for more sensitive patients, who have a minority (about 5-8%) of veins Varicose vein surgery causes more or less pain.

“The sensation of pain after surgery can vary, but most patients experience less pain than expected and are surprised that there was nothing to fear,” asserts the vascular surgeon.

The consequences are varied

Based on his counseling experience, the doctor notices that there are two groups of patients: some immediately learn about the problem and start solving it without waiting for anything, others, especially after hearing that varicose veins develop slowly, ignore the symptoms and postpone the operation.

“It is true that varicose veins progress slowly and are not very dangerous in themselves, but at an older age this disease becomes more and more complicated and causes more and more discomfort,” says the doctor. – Elderly people usually suffer from other chronic diseases, many of them are overweight, movement becomes difficult, so for these reasons, both surgery and conservative treatment of varicose veins become more complicated.”

As the doctor says, the consequences of untreated varicose veins can be different: “For some, varicose veins can cause only aesthetic problems, for others, this disease causes skin changes such as rashes, for others, the legs swell, they become painful, and in the worst case, difficult-to-heal wounds can appear, which can become a gateway for infections into the body and cause serious health problems.”

Delaying treatment increases the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis, which can cause serious health risks. In this case, blood clots – thrombi – are formed in the deep parts of the body, usually in the legs, which can block the flow of blood through the veins and cause various complications. If the clot breaks away from the vein wall and travels to the lungs, a life-threatening pulmonary embolism develops.

“If varicose veins are not treated – surgery – the situation can become more and more complicated, and the main risk is deep vein thrombosis. This risk increases with age and due to concomitant chronic diseases, explains doctor G. Vaitėnas. “Even if the operation is successful, later the patient needs to wear compression stockings, which are difficult for the elderly to put on, uncomfortable to wear, hot, etc.”

Compression stockings are used after surgery to facilitate the healing period and ensure better results. If surgery is not possible, they can be an alternative to surgical treatment, but such socks cost a lot and have to be changed about every 3 months.

“Many patients think that they will be able to wear compression stockings for several years, but they lose elasticity and other necessary properties quite quickly, so they often have to be replaced with new ones,” the vascular surgeon claims.

The costs of the operation are covered by PSDF funds

In order to get a consultation about varicose veins covered by the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund (PSDF), you should first contact your family doctor, who, after assessing the condition, will appoint a referral to a specialist doctor. Such a referral is valid in any medical institution that has signed an agreement with the Territorial Hospital Funds (TLK) and is consulted by a vascular surgeon.

During the visit, the angiosurgeon assesses the patient’s condition: examines, records complaints, performs ultrasound. “During the ultrasound examination, the veins are checked and evaluated to see how they are functioning normally. Normally, the blood should flow from the legs upwards, in the case of varicose veins, blood circulation is disturbed and blood can flow in all directions”, explains G. Vaitėnas, an Antakalnis polyclinic doctor. If the diagnosis of varicose veins is confirmed, surgical treatment is discussed with the patient. During the operation, local or general anesthesia is used, depending on the circumstances, the surgical procedure lasts from 20 to 60 minutes.

Varicose vein operations are also performed in the day surgery department of the Antakalnis Polyclinic – after the surgical procedure is performed in the morning, the patient can go home already in the afternoon.

2024-07-05 08:01:20

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