Vasectomy: the fashionable operation in men

by time news

2023-09-07 14:54:24

In recent years, several were the celebrities who, free of sin, threw the first stone and were encouraged to talk about vasectomy. Until recently it was a taboo subject that left the contraceptive method solely in the hands of the woman, turning her own body into an experimental laboratory for drugs and invasive devices that had, among other consequences, physical and hormonal discomfort. But in feminist times things changed. And the men took the step of assuming birth control in their own bodies.

Pedro Alfonso, Beto Casella, Antonio Ríos, Gastón Recondo, Juanes, Ozzy Osbourne They were some of those who underwent such a simple surgery that prevents men from continuing to procreate. However, the one who gave it a humorous -albeit educational- tone was Pablo Granados, who with a video uploaded to his social networks recounted his experience and cleared up doubts and prejudices.

Thus, the former comedian from Marcelo Tinelli’s staff simplified: “Yes, I had a vasectomy. Today, in 2023, it is still a taboo subject among men, that’s why I’m making this post. Seriously, it’s bullshit. I will explain? You go to the urologist, you tell him about your concern and he asks for the pre-surgical tests. They set a date for the intervention, you are accompanied by someone who loves you, you enter the operating room, they put you to sleep in a deep and beautiful sleep. After 40 minutes you wake up and nothing hurts. They send you to the room until the anesthesia wears off and then you go home.”

True to his histrionics, the comedian depicted this procedure with two kiwi emojis and explained the postoperative period: “Don’t scratch them for a few days. A week later you go and remove the stitches, that pulls a little, but nothing more. After 45 days you have a spermogram, you have to take your semen to verify that the number of spermatozoa has decreased. If the percentage is 0, after 45 days you do another one again, just in case, to confirm that there were none left inside.”

Consulted by NEWS, the doctor and sexologist Florence Salort details: “Vasectomy is a surgical contraceptive method, in which the vas deferens that carry from the testicle to the ejaculatory duct the spermatozoids that join with the semen to be expelled are cut on each side. Once the operation is done, you must continue taking care of yourself until the spermograms show zero. It is also important to know that it is 99 percent effective, since the very rare case of involuntary recanalization can occur. That is why a spermogram must be done from time to time to confirm that the values ​​continue to give zero ”.

Regarding the myths, the specialist affirms: “Sexual desire is not lost, semen volume does not decrease, nor does the testicles fill with sperm, since they are absorbed on their own. And as for the emotional, it is very important to know that the man does not stop being virile for not expelling sperm. Regarding whether it is a reversible technique, specify: “It is 80 percent reversible, always depending on the technique with which it is performed. That is scheduled with the primary urologist”.-

Cases. “It all started because of the headaches my wife had as a result of the birth control pills she was taking. Then I understood that the most logical thing was to have a vasectomy”, Sergio, 43, was honest, before NEWS. “It also influenced the fact that we have two children and expanding the family in this country, with the little economic stability that exists, is unfeasible. The process was super fast and zero invasive. I requested an appointment with the urologist, we set a date and twenty days passed between the first visit and the operation”.

The post-surgery indications for Sergio, whose social work covered all the expenses as required by law, did not result in a problem: “The only indication from the doctor was a day of rest and not having sex until the stitches were removed. Then, do the spermogram analysis until they give me zero and nothing more ”.

“My husband’s genius understood that I already put the body in a lot,” Paula Chaves posted to report that Peter Alfonso had a vasectomy. Another famous person who performed it was the journalist Gastón Recondo. “My wife and I thought about it a lot and decided to close the factory, as they used to say. I already have five children, up to now the gasoline has given, ”he said in an interview with Luis Novaresio.

Beto Casella, Antonio Ríos -at the request of their 17 children- and the Colombian musician Juanes They were other celebrities who underwent surgery for this operation. But one of the pioneers was Roberto Gomez Bolanos -with six children from his first marriage-, who had already undergone the intervention even before he met his last wife, Florinda Meza. Therein lies the explanation of why they never had children together in their 40-year relationship.

Eduardo, 50, a runner and elite athlete, tells of his experience: “The operation never bothered me, even during the days when I had the stitches. Once they were removed, twenty days later, I was already running my ten kilometers a day normally. What did take me a little longer was getting back on the bike”.

Regarding the bureaucratic aspect, it should be noted that, since 2006, both vasectomy and tubal ligation have been incorporated as elective methods of definitive contraception and all public hospitals and social works are obliged to perform them free of charge. The only requirements are to be over 16 years old and sign a consent. Authorization from a partner, family member or legal representative is not required, and it is not necessary to have previously had children.

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