Vatican-like Bektashi state is being established in Albania!

by time news

Number. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama announced that a new structure called the “Sovereign State of the Bektashi Order” will be established in the capital Tirana. This formation is reportedly designed as an enclave that aims to spread messages of religious tolerance and peace, creating a model similar to the Vatican.

This state, planned under the leadership of Bektashi leader Edmond Brahimaj (Baba Mondi), will have its own administration, passports and borders. However, there will be no traditional state elements such as an army, border guards or a judicial system. Prime Minister Rama stated that the details of the project have not yet been finalized, that the passport color is planned to be green and that work is ongoing on who will benefit from this passport.

“Albania’s tolerant understanding of Islam is our source of pride”

Rama stated that they took this step with the aim of promoting religious tolerance, “Albania’s tolerant understanding of Islam is our source of pride. We must protect this value and not underestimate it,” He also stressed that the new structure to be established will be a symbol of tolerance for Albania. Rama added that the US and NATO allies have not yet been informed about this project, and that it is an initiative known only to his close circle.

The establishment of the Sovereign State of the Bektashi Order requires the approval of the Albanian Parliament. Legal experts are working on legal regulations that will determine the sovereign status of this new structure within Albania. Baba Mondi emphasized that this state has no territorial expansion purpose, described the project as a “miracle” and expressed hope that the US and Western countries will recognize this structure.

Bektashi population in Albania

According to the 2023 census, there are 115,000 Bektashis, which makes up about 5 percent of the Albanian population. It is stated that the new state to be established will be a quarter of the size of the Vatican. This structure aims to protect the cultural and spiritual heritage of the Bektashi community.

The Prime Ministry Press Office gave an interview to The New York Times, one of the leading media organizations in the USA, stating that the details of the project will be announced in the near future. This step is considered as a development that reveals Albania’s determination for religious tolerance.

Harsh reaction from Turkish Bektashis!

The Turkish Bektashis reacted to the claim that “a Bektashi State will be established” in a statement made by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama to an American newspaper. Informing the public upon the instructions of Bektashi Sheikh Ali Haydar Ercan Dedebaba, Halifebaba Hacı Dursun Gümüşoğlu said, “Even if such a structure is accepted and gains an official identity by some unknown imperial pressure and calculations, it is an invalid attempt in a moral sense for us.” He gave his statements.

According to the news reported by, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, while answering questions from The New York Times (NYT), stated that they will establish an organization called the “Sovereign State of the Bektashi Order” in the capital Tirana and that he will announce the plans of this structure in the near future, which has sparked discussion.

In the statement made by Halifebaba Hacı Dursun Gümüşoğlu, upon the instructions of Ali Haydar Ercan Dedebaba, the highest representative of the Turkish Bektashis, regarding Baba Mondi, who is said to be heading the initiative in Albania, “Since Baba Mondi is not affiliated with the grandfather system, he is outside the Bektashi path and is null and void.” The statement made by Halifebaba Hacı Dursun Gümüşoğlu upon the instructions of Ali Haydar Ercan Dedebaba is as follows:

“As of today, one of the secret activities that we have been feeling for a long time in Albania has been leaked to the media. According to the news; Work has begun to establish a Bektashi State under the presidency of Baba Mondi (Edmond Brahimaj) in Tirana within the borders of the Albanian state. First of all, Baba Mondi, who resides in Albania, declaring himself Dedebaba is invalid according to the Bektashi order. After the Enver Hoxha period, Reşat Bardi Baba from Albania was given the caliphate of Baba by the leader of the Bektashi community, the late Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bedri Noyan Dedebaba, and he was sent to Albania as the caliphate of Baba. At that time, Mondi, who was a dervish, received the paternity from Reşat Bardi Halifebaba. Since no one has seen any caliphate order after the death of Reşat Bardi Halifebaba, according to the Bektashi order, there is not even a caliphate of Baba, let alone a dedebaba. Let alone Baba Mondi’s grandfatherhood, even the caliph fatherhood, which is a lower rank than grandfatherhood, was not applied to him. This is an undeniable fact.

In other words, we are faced with a situation as absurd as a captain being given the rank of general without being a colonel. According to the tradition and rule that has been going on for centuries, it is a must for the dedebaba to reside within the borders of Turkey. This hierarchical system in Turkey continues uninterruptedly today, as it has throughout history. Today, the dedebaba office is represented by Ali Haydar Ercan Dedebaba. Its administrative sub-institutions have a hierarchy of caliphbabas, babas, dervishes, and muhips. The decisions to be taken by the dedebaba office are implemented with the approval of the caliphbabas, who can be considered the board of directors of Bektashism, and the approval of the dedebaba. In this context, it is absolutely unacceptable for Baba Mondi to claim himself as the leader of the World Bektashis. This decision and concepts such as the Bektashi State are null and void for us who represent the Bektashi path. Especially in recent times, the extremely cheerful and sincere way Baba Mondi has taken photos with and the people he has relationships with are sufficient evidence to show his true identity. Even if such a structure is accepted and gains an official identity by unknown imperial pressures and calculations, it is an invalid attempt for us in a spiritual sense. First of all, Bektashism is a mystical interpretation of Islam by Hacı Bektaş Veli, which is based on morality, rational, free from prejudices, scientific thinking and accepts that man is the highest value.

For centuries, those who have devoted themselves to this belief have lived within a spiritual and hierarchical system. Bektashism is a path that anyone who aims to live a moral and balanced life and is sincere in this, regardless of their religion, belief, color or language, can join. The ties of people on this path and the ranks are never material, they are completely spiritual, in other words, they are a bond of the heart. It also takes control of this from its own hierarchical structure that has been going on for centuries. For this reason, Bektashism has hierarchical stages such as âşık, mühip, dervish, patriarch, caliphbaba and dedebaba. A person entering this spiritual path and gaining the Bektashi identity is not valid for life. In order for it to be valid, he must prove every year that he complies with the moral principles of Bektashism, does not violate the rights of others, and has control over his hands, waist, tongue, food, wife and job. The head of the person who complies with these conditions is read, in other words, he has passed a kind of annual exam. That person’s Bektashism is extended for another year. This process continues until his last breath. If there is an interruption, he is out of the way and is considered fallen. For us who have been loyal to our own country and state for centuries, who have lived without any material expectations, who are connected to each other with a bond of affection, who continue the Bektashi faith, Baba Mondi’s latest attempt means nothing. Since Baba Mondi is not loyal to the grandfather system, he is also outside the Bektashi path and is null and void. Response to the Claims That Alevism is Outside of the Islamic Faith The second issue is the efforts to portray Alevism, which is especially centered in Europe, and therefore Bektashiism, as outside of Islam.

This is absolutely impossible to accept. This initiative will cause Turkey to face new problems in the future. Because this project called Alevism without Ali is nothing more than a trap opened by imperial states to gain benefits through the Alevism belief. Baba Mondi’s so-called Bektashi State initiative is nothing more than the footsteps of these long-term calculations. Alevism is an interpretation of Islam based on morality and wisdom that has spread in the Anatolian and Balkan geography.

The Holy Quran accepts the Prophet Muhammad as the first circle of saints, Hazrat Ali Shah-i Velayet. Claims other than this have no religious, historical or scientific basis. These basic concepts of faith are also valid for Bektashism.

We respectfully present it to the public.

By the instruction of Hademü’l-Fukara ALI HAYDAR ERCAN DEDEBABA

Hacı Dursun Gümüşoğlu – Halifebaba (President of Balım Sultan Bektashism Research Association)


2024-09-23 08:40:27

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