Vegetable alternatives: it will soon be forbidden to call them “steak”, “sausages”, “milk”…

by time news

A decree published on June 30, 2022 in the Official Journal makes the law of June 10, 2020 on the transparency of information on agricultural and food products effective, and declares its entry into force on October 1, 2022. No more “steaks” d seaweed, tofu “sausages” and soy “milks”…

To avoid consumer confusion, these culinary innovations will have to look for other denominations used for “describe, market or promote“vegetable alternatives.

An obstacle to the development of more sustainable food?

According to the National Plant Food Observatory, this law favors manufacturers of foods of animal origin and “a logic of extended protection of the economic interests of the meat sector”. It would therefore risk hindering the consumption of healthier and more sustainable foods and delaying the development of the plant sector in France.

Plant-based alternatives that are not always natural

But food experts aren’t so sure that plant-based alternatives are always healthier and more sustainable. Others campaign for animal production that is more respectful of nature and the environment as a driver of change towards a more sustainable food system. For essayist Gilles Luneau, producing meat artificially would only increase dependence on multinational agribusinesses.

See also: Bill Gates supports synthetic meat to save the planet

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