Vehicle theft in the border area drops 34%, according to the Security Secretariat – Cities

by time news

2023-11-24 20:37:00

Survey compares robberies between January and September this year with the same period in 2022

Vehicle and police officer from the Border Operations Department (Photo: Disclosure / Sejusp)

Vehicle theft rates fell by 34% in the border area, an area that covers 45 municipalities in Mato Grosso do Sul, including Ponta Porã, Corumbá and Dourados. According to Sejusp (Secretariat of Justice and Public Security), the numbers correspond to the period from January to October this year, compared to the same period in 2022. Cases of commercial robberies showed a reduction of 28.1% and robberies on urban roads they fell 10.1%. According to the ministry, in the first nine months of 2022, 152 vehicles were stolen in border cities, while this year, the numbers fell to 96.

Data from Sejusp also show a decrease in the number of intentional homicides (when there is intent to kill), with a drop of 10.6% in the municipalities along the border and strip.

For the director of the Department of Border Operations (DOF), Colonel Everson Antonio Rozeni, the numbers reflect the work of all police forces on the border. “These operations meet the proposals in the management contracts of the State Government of Mato Grosso do Sul and have generated good results”, highlights the colonel.

Delegate Rafael de Souza Carvalho, head of Defron (Specialized Police Station for the Suppression of Border Crimes), also highlights that this reduction in rates is due to joint action by the State security forces, which ends up deterring criminals from committing crimes.

“For its part, the Civil Police performs a fundamental role in containing crime through quality investigative work, individualizing the perpetrators of crimes in a robust manner in the competent police investigation, generating criminal convictions, removing the offender from circulation, which ends up reducing crime rates”, comments the delegate.

The State Secretary of Justice and Public Security, Antonio Carlos Videira, attributes the good rates on the border line and strip to the State’s specialization in border policing and integration.

“Combat and repression especially require a transversality of actions that transcend public security. Which I see taking very large steps in recent years with the integration mainly of the Federal Government, the Armed Forces, demanding a strong and serious policy of combating organized crime”, he concluded.

According to Sejusp, the municipalities in the border region correspond to 56% of the cities in the State. The cities are: Amambai, Anastácio, Antônio João, Aquidauana, Aral Moreira, Bela Vista, Bodoquena, Bonito, Caarapó, Caracol, Coronel Sapucaia, Corumbá, Deodápolis, Dois Irmãos do Buriti, Douradina, Dourados, Eldorado, Fátima do Sul, Glória de Dourados, Guia Lopes da Laguna, Iguatemi, Itaporã, Itaquiraí, Japorã, Jardim, Jateí, Juti, Ladário, Laguna Carapã, Maracaju, Miranda, Mundo Novo, Naviraí, Nioaque, Novo Horizonte do Sul, Paranhos, Ponta Porã, Porto Murtinho , Rio Brilhante, Sete Quedas, Sidrolândia, Tacuru, Taquarussu and Vicentina.

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