VENDEMMIA SOCIAL-E: the solidarity initiative that focuses on caring for oneself and others – Agenfood

by time news

(Agen Food) – Treviso, 6 Sept. – A journey that began in 2018, which brings together solidarity and the wine world. It is the Social Vendemmia- andan event created on the initiative of the wineries Antonio Facchin e Amadio Estate and sponsored by the ULSS Marca Trevigiana which combines nature, territory and attention for others.

On Thursday 5 September, at the Sala Scuderie of Villa Carisi in Treviso, the seventh edition of the event that has become a tradition for the province of Treviso was presented. It will take place on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September respectively in the Antonio Facchin cellars of San Polo di Piave and Tenuta Amadio of Monfumo, promoters of the event together with the Zeta Group communications agency of Treviso.

English: “When the bunch of grapes is much more than the simple sum of its grapes” is the phrase that sums up the spirit of the initiative, also printed on the colored t-shirts (a different color for each edition, this year it will be fuchsia) worn by the “volunteer grape harvesters” working among the rows; a real motto that emphasizes how sharing and teamwork are crucial to living a healthy and better life, facing daily challenges. In an increasingly frenetic world, in fact, the Vendemmia Social-e wants to offer a way to carve out short but intense moments to carry out activities in company and, above all, help those who are fighting against illness. More specifically, the key moments of the initiative, whose objectives are self-care, the relationship with the environment and with others, will be: the grape harvest, in which you can experience traditions and the territory first-hand; the Viet Tai Chi test, an oriental discipline that, through breath management and gentle movements, helps to face stress and everyday difficulties; finally, the solidarity lunch and dinner, the proceeds of which will be donated to the Treviso section of the Italian League for the Fight against Tumors (LILT). All relaunched on the social channels of the promoting companies to tell live the emotions of the two days.

The Social-e Harvest will open on the afternoon of Saturday, September 14 at Antonio Facchin Wines in San Polo di Piave. The welcome will begin at 4:30 p.m., while the presentation of the initiative is scheduled for 5 p.m. We will then go to the vineyards for a harvest made of tradition and sharing. Following, the giant spit and other delicacies for the solidarity dinner, whose proceeds will go to LILT, accompanied by the show of the musical group DEF TRIO.

The following day, Sunday 15 September, the meeting point will be Tenuta Amadio in Monfumo, starting at 9:30. After greetings and the presentation of the initiative, the day will open with preparatory gymnastics for the grape harvest thanks to a lesson in Viet Tai Chi, a discipline based on oriental philosophy that allows for positive energy management, so much so that it is defined as “meditation in movement”; then we will move to the vineyard to pick the grapes, ending the morning with the traditional spit, the true fil-rouge of this event. A party in which the kids from Yellow House and of Autism Division – Castelmonte Onlustwo organizations that deal with people with pervasive developmental disorder and autism. Zeta Group Press Office – 0422.303042 – [email protected]

“First of all, I feel it is my duty to thank the Facchin winery and Tenuta Amadio because solidarity is a beautiful thing but true solidarity can be seen in the actions that are carried out every day. – comments Dr. Francis BenazziGeneral Manager of ULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana – In this case two important entrepreneurs of the territory decide, for 7 consecutive years, to give together a very important contribution to Lilt Treviso, a fundamental partner of Ulss 2, giving a significant hand to our health structure. Thanks, therefore, to these entities that make themselves available to the territory with great commitment and making it a moment of celebration for the entire community and an example for the entire entrepreneurial fabric. My hope is that in 30 years Facchin and Amadio will still be here to tell the story of this beautiful initiative of solidarity”.

“This year our company is re-proposing the harvesting of the bunches between the rows and the pressing of the grapes by foot – he explains Giusy Facchin of the Facchin Antonio winery – whoever will be our guest will be able to try this experience, rediscovering the emotions of the grape harvest. Because the grape harvest is joy, even more so for those who are going through difficult times. The evening will continue with a musical show and spit-roasted meat. As a company, we want to continue to travel this path together with Ulss 2 and Tenuta Amadio because what we receive from this experience is always much more than what we give.”

“From year to year we see a continuous growth in interest around this project, which has now reached its seventh edition – continues Simone Rech of Tenuta Amadio – a feedback that shows how this type of initiative always gives important emotions even to those who participate as an audience. In this sense, in addition to the presence of LILT, our collaboration with some organizations committed to people with autism spectrum disorders continues, to give them moments of true sociality and conviviality”.

“One of the most beautiful things in my many years of volunteering is to connect with the community and meet the best energies in society, both from an associative and entrepreneurial point of view, with which to give life to initiatives that have a charitable purpose – he concludes Alessandro Gavapresident of LILT Treviso – initiatives that allow our association to survive because, as a third sector organization, we live off the fundraising that we manage to do in our territory, on which we then pour our many activities. The data from the 1st semester tell us that as LILT Treviso we have exceeded 1,000 prevention visits, we have done 310 psychological consultations, healthy eating courses involving 217 people, carried out 1,295 physiotherapy or lymphatic drainage sessions for 289 patients, completed 719 hours of courses (yoga, gymnastics, etc.) attended by over 500 people, performed 30 dermopigmentation procedures on people who have undergone a mastectomy, 40 oncological aesthetic procedures and we have transported more than 300 patients to places of care. I therefore thank the Facchin and Amadio wineries because giving continuity to this type of initiative is fundamental for associations like ours, since we can plan our activities with greater serenity”

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