Venetian stop for Dragon Boat against breast cancer and cardiovascular diseases

by time news

2023-09-20 13:33:47

Starting from Lazio, it arrives in Veneto, and stops in Peschiera del Garda (Verona), on Saturday 23 September, the CardioBreast DragonBoat Festival 2023, an initiative promoted by the National Institute for Cardiovascular Research (INRC) to raise awareness among the general public on the importance of prevention primary cardiovascular disease and to explain the benefits of a sport like Dragon Boat, also for women who have undergone breast cancer surgery.

From the Old Port of Peschiera del Garda, the public will be able to watch the friendly competition of two female Dragon Boat teams made up of women who have undergone breast cancer surgery who, at the end of the performance, will share their life and sporting experiences. For the entire duration of the event, from 11am to 3pm, an Incr camper will be available to spectators for free cardiological screening, with cardiac function checks, electrocardiogram, blood pressure monitoring and lipid panel control. The route will then continue in Tuscany and end in Puglia. Four stages in total which will be carried out thanks to the collaboration of the Italian Dragon Boat Federation, the participation of the Italian Heart Foundation (Fipc) and Onco Beauty Onlus, the patronage of the National Association of Breast Operated Women (Andos) and the Italian League for the fight against tumors (Lilt), with the unconditional contribution of Daiichi Sankyo Italia. The athletes of Pink Darsena del Garda – Bardolino will participate in this stage.

Physical activity – explains a note – is an essential element for psychophysical health and plays a key role in cardiovascular prevention. Aerobic activities such as Dragon Boat, low intensity and long duration are particularly suitable for improving cardiac function and, over time, blood circulation, respiratory and metabolic activity and mood. “Doing regular physical activity – recalls Emanuela Folco, president of Fipc – also helps to manage stress. Carrying out periodic checks and, if necessary, following therapies scrupulously, are fundamental steps to prevent the most devastating outcomes of cardiovascular diseases because the truth is that 80% of deaths due to these diseases are preventable, so let’s not forget to take care of ourselves and our hearts, because it is also a way to take care of those who love us and are close to us”.

Dragon Boating is practiced on boats whose stern and bow resemble the appearance of a dragon and can accommodate up to 20 athletes. The competition takes place between teams who row to the rhythm of a drummer who sits at the bow, while the helmsman, at the stern, maintains the course with a paddle approximately 3 meters long, until crossing the finish line which can reach up to 1000 metres. Originating in China, Dragon Boating is now practiced throughout the world and has been shown to be of particular benefit to women who have undergone a mastectomy. “Prevention is the most effective weapon against tumors – underlines Stefania Gori, director of the Oncology Department of the Irccs Sacro Cuore Don Calabria of Negrar, Verona – Follow healthy lifestyles (not smoking, not excessive alcohol intake, following a Mediterranean diet rich in fruit and vegetables and low in red meat, doing regular physical activity, avoiding obesity and overweight) can reduce the incidence of tumors by 40% in the coming years. And this consideration – he adds – is also taken up by Mission Cancer, the European program to fight cancer. Furthermore, regular physical activity and maintaining a normal weight reduces disease recurrence in women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.”

The paddling movement promotes the release of myokines which modulate the systemic inflammatory response, inhibiting tumor necrosis and limiting the formation of lymphedema. This reduces some symptoms, reduces the feeling of fatigue in daily activities and helps patients’ quality of life overall, improving their psychophysical health. “We are very honored – comments Davide Pastorelli, director of the Oncology Unit of the Pederzoli hospital in Peschiera del Garda – to host the second appointment of this interesting initiative, moreover in agreement with the initiatives of our operational unit which has made its own the idea of ​​associating the recreational-motor aspects, the nutritional ones and the exquisitely aesthetic ones, in order to best enhance the well-being of women who have undergone breast surgery”.

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