Venezuela, first cracks in the army against Maduro

by time news

Nicolas Maduro (Lapresse)


Venezuela, first cracks in the army against Maduro

In Venezuela perhaps some cracks are beginning to open in the army which has always been very loyal to the regime of Mature. “The diagnosis of the situation and conditions of the country and its people and of which are certainly the actions to be taken to recover the Republic, democracy and freedom, which are none other than to bring about the cessation of usurpation. the extended regime (RA) and its criminal allies such as FARC, ELN, armed criminal gangs, etc., as well as neutralizing aid in resources from China, Russia and Iran. The RA, whatever it says, is willing to stay in power forever, no matter what. ” This was stated by frigate lieutenant Diego Armando Comisso Urdaneta, helicopter aviator of the navy and retired officer of the Venezuelan armed forces, who proposes to “definitively overthrow this criminal regime together with its new allies of the alleged ‘opposition’, which I call Extended Regime (RA) “.

He is convinced that “the time has come for professional resistance to overthrow whatever illegitimate and illegal regime is in power in Venezuela, that is, any government that derives from a National Electoral Council (CNE), a National Assembly (AN), a Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) and an illegitimate executive branch, including all those politicians who have joined the criminal regime and who intend to continue to usurp what should be a free, legal, legitimate and democratic government in Venezuela ”.

In his opinion, the RA “with its actions, claims and threats, we could consider that it has given us an ultimatum, with which we must and need the reconstruction and formation of a Professional Resistance (PR), a structure and an organization made up of internal resources and with a studied and clear vision, mission and objectives methodically analyzed, in order to stop the usurpation of this criminal regime in its entirety, with zero impunity and create a constitutional and legal shield so that something equal or equal does not it never happens again, similar in Venezuela ”. What Comisso Urdaneta specifically proposes is “a civil resistance so that the sovereign can fight for his rights, freedom and justice without using violence, even if one must be prepared and trained to use it if necessary. For this, the different tactics would be used: strikes, deprivation of actions and relationships, mass demonstrations and all those actions to cause social, political and economic changes “. Comisso explains that unity develops through the mobilization of various sectors of society , “Who may initially have very different grievances about achievable goals. Planning consists of putting campaigns and tactics in a strategic sequence based on a careful analysis of the conditions and opportunities for action, including anticipating possible setbacks and designing contingency plans for them. Non-violent discipline implies a strategic commitment to use only non-violent tactics ”.

This fact, which represents how even the front of the army is beginning to show signs of intolerance towards the regime of Maduro, a few days after the sensational, in some ways, gesture of the main exponent of the opposition to the regime Juan Guaido, via Twitter. The opposition leader, in fact, released a video inviting talks with the government of President Nicolas Maduro in search of a “national salvation agreement”, under international auspices. Guaido, who was recognized as Venezuela’s legitimate interim president by dozens of countries in 2019, spoke of the urgency of addressing the country’s severe humanitarian crisis and the need to “reach an agreement to save Venezuela”. Maduro made fun of him. “Now Guaido wants to sit with me to talk. … Have you received orders from the North? “he declared, referring to the United States, before adding:” It’s over, Guaido, you are just another opposition leader. You are not president. You need to talk to Maduro. “But then he accepted:” When you want, how you want, where you want, I will meet all the opposition. “Despite the wide grounds for skepticism, the signals coming from Caracas have been strong and, in fact, significant. The most important move is was the appointment of a new National Electoral Commission, or CNE, by the Maduro-controlled National Assembly. The CNE organizes the elections and has so far been manipulated by the regime. The new members include three supporters of the regime, but also two Opposition members Former opposition presidential candidate Henrique Capriles called him the “least bad” CNE in 22 years.

Then there were the signals a Washington, including the release under house arrest of the “Citgo Six”, executives of the oil company in prison since 2017, after being convicted of corruption. The move has been widely interpreted as an olive branch for the Biden administration, or at least an exploratory probe. So far, there is no sign that Washington will ease sanctions without major changes in Caracas, including steps towards free elections. In that sense, the agreement to speak with Guaido, despite the bitter exchanges on social media, was quickly embraced by the Biden administration. The interim head of the State Department for Latin America, Julie Chung, tweeted: “The only solution to this crisis is a global agreement that leads to a democratic outcome.”

It is difficult to imagine that Mature he will accept a plan that could spell the end of his presidency. He already showed in December that he was firm in his decision to continue his adventure. Before the election, which many observers have described as a farce, Maduro has constantly contributed to intimidating and weakening the opposition to his regime in every way. Then he continued his policy of fighting against all forms of dissent, with arrests and accusations against all those who did not want to conform to his beliefs and his way of acting. “Every effort to restore democracy, including that led by Guaidò with the support of the Trump administration, has failed. Maduro’s position seems impregnable. Yet the country’s economic, security and public health situation remains catastrophic. Humanitarian conditions did not convince Maduro to compromise earlier. Has changed? Or has the change in tone resulting from the new US presidential administration softened his approach? ” asks the famous CNN political analyst, Frida Ghitis. In short, perhaps something is beginning to move even in the rigid Venezuelan regime, which has to deal with a very complicated epidemiological situation and a collapsing economic situation. To all this we must also add the growing tensions that have arisen between Venezuelan and Colombian military forces, for issues related to alleged FARC terrorists, defended by Maduro, who recorded the killing of 16 Venezuelan soldiers, which certainly contributed to creating tension in Maduro army files.

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