Venezuela Political Parties Intervened During Maduro Administration – Implications and Candidates for July 28 Election

by time news

2024-07-08 12:29:27

(From left) Venezuelan presidential candidates Daniel Ceballos, Javier Bertucci, Luis Martínez, Antonio Ecarri and Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro are pictured during the signing ceremony of the agreement to recognize the results of the December 28 presidential elections. July at the CNE headquarters in Caracas on June 20, 2024. (Photo by Federico PARRA / AFP)

During the administration of Nicolás Maduro, at least 17 political parties in Venezuela were intervened. correspondent

The vast majority of decisions were issued by the Chavista Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), an institution used as an instrument to subjugate the directives of political organizations.

The mediation orders establish that the board of directors or the majority of the members of the political parties will be suspended, expelled or replaced by members nominated by the TSJ.

The next step is to hand over the reins of the organization to a board that has close ties to the Maduro administration, always pulling back on the excuse of “promoting internal democracy.”

With the interventions ordered by the TSJ, the replacement of the directives of historically important political parties such as Democratic Action, Primero Justicia and Voluntad Popular was implemented.

However, some political organizations associated with Chavismo and critical of the regime also intervened, for example, the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV).

So far, the parties prosecuted are Por la Democracia Social (Vamos), in 2012. In the case of Bandera Roja, always on the side of Chavismo, it has intervened twice (2012 and 2020).

Venezuelan presidential candidate for Arepa Digital, Daniel Ceballos, signs an agreement document to recognize the results of the July 28 presidential election during an event at the CNE headquarters in Caracas on June 20, 2024. (Photo by Federico PARRA /AFP)

Traditional organizations such as the People’s Electoral Movement (MEP), originally associated with Chavismo, were also prosecuted in 2015.

The Copei party was also the target of intervention twice, namely: 2015 and 2019.

The Ecological Movement of Venezuela suffered a judgment in 2018, followed by Democratic Action, First Justice, Popular Will, Republican Movement, Tupamaro, Homeland for All, Country Commitment (Compai), New Vision for my Country (Nuvipa), all in the year 2020.

The Communist Party of Venezuela was prosecuted in 2023, and the party for the Movement of Integrity-National Unity (MIN-Unidad) intervened in 2015.

Henri Falcón, who has always been an ally of Chavismo, criticized the intervention of his Avanzada Progresista party in 2022.

“Opposition” to the measure

(From left) Venezuelan presidential candidates Daniel Ceballos, Javier Bertucci, Luis Martínez, Antonio Ecarri and Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro listen to the president of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela, Elvis Amoroso (3rd-R), during a sign A. Ceremony to recognize the results of the July 28 presidential election at the CNE headquarters in Caracas on June 20, 2024. (Photo by Federico PARRA / AFP)

Regarding the presidential elections scheduled for this July 28, the parties mediated by the TSJ nominated their candidates, who appear to be “opposition”, but who actually play into the hands of Chavismo. This trick aims, on the one hand, to portray “competitive” elections, and on the other, it seeks to confuse the electorate.

¿How were the cards of the mediating parties between the “scorpion” candidates and Nicolás Maduro distributed on the voting ballot?

Candidate Luis Eduardo Martínez: Posted by AD, Copei, Bandera Roja and Republican Movement cards

Candidate José Brito: Posted by Primero Justicia (PJ) and Primero Venezuela, which was the first incision of (PJ).

The candidate Antonio Ecarri: In addition to running with his Lápiz party, he uses the cards of Min-Unidad, Avanzada Progresista and the Ecological Movement.

candidate Daniel Ceballos: It does the same thing with the Popular Will card, except it ran with its Arepa party.

candidate Nicolás Maduro: Mounted with the cards Podemos, PPT, Tupamaro, PCV and MEP, apart from eight other parties. He is therefore the candidate with the most cards (13 in total) on the ballot.

#parties #opposition

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