Venezuelan Election Polls: Edmundo González Urrutia Surging Ahead of Nicolás Maduro, Recent Survey Shows

by time news

Recent Clearpath Strategies survey results give rivals a win Venezuelan Edmundo González Urrutia, with a 59-33% lead over the president Nicolás MaduroThe media reported on Sunday (07/21/2024), just a week before the presidential election, in which the Chavista president seeks another re-election.

Gonzalez, who had to assume the candidacy due to the disqualification of the opposition leader Maria Corina MachadoThe survey said, “The president maintains a commanding lead in the polls. Among confident voters, González Urrutia maintains a 59–33% lead over Maduro.”

The report, cited by Venezuelan newspaper “The National”, said the opponent’s margin grew from a 20-point lead in April and May to a 21-point lead in June and a 26-point lead in July as the election drew closer.

According to the survey, there are also other factors in favor of the diplomat’s candidacy. “He has united more than 90% of self-identified supporters of the opposition and received the support of 66% of ‘neither’ voters who do not identify as Chavistas or opponents (+13 since June), unlike Maduro, who earns only 6% among this group,” he said.

Concerns among voters

Despite the favorable numbers that gave the Democratic Unity Platform (PUD) ambassador and candidate a win, the survey shows a high percentage of concern among those who say they will vote for him.

“Those convinced voters who intend to vote for González Urrutia have deep concerns about this election. However, more than three-quarters of EGU voters say they will vote no matter what obstacles are placed in their way – including 97% who say they would be willing to travel to a different polling station if his or her polling station was changed on election day,” he explained.

Regarding the characteristics of the process, only 22% believe the election would be free and fair and 94% say the election would not be valid if González Urrutia were excluded from voting.

According to the results of a survey conducted among 2,000 demographically and geographically diverse registered voters, “93% of these voters expect González Urrutia to emerge victorious in the electoral contest.”

Opposition prays “for freedom” and “end of darkness”

A week before the election, the opposition held religious meetings in Caracas and in several regions of the country in support of González Urrutia’s candidacy and to call for the “freedom” of the Caribbean nation and an end to “so much darkness”.

Presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez and opposition leader Maria Corina Machado pray to God “for the freedom” of Venezuela on Sunday (07/21/2024). Image: Matias Delacroix/AP Photo/Picture Alliance

In Caracas, González, accompanied by his family and opposition leader Machado, led an event in a Caracas square attended by dozens of his followers, some with microphones, reading short phrases with requests to God.

“Lord, we ask you to walk with us in these critical hours for our nation,” said a young woman, who also prayed for “every political prisoner, exile and persecuted person,” while another woman requested help to “defeat evil” and so that “love, truth and freedom” triumph over “hatred, lies and oppression.”

Gonzalez: “There will be no boycott”

He The former ambassador reiterated his promise To lead a government “of all and for all”, in which “there will be no exclusion”.

“It’s time for Venezuela to reconcile,” he said. “Enough of the yelling, enough of the insults; it’s time for reunification.”

For her part, Machado thanked God for allowing her to be part of “this enormous cause, this great movement that has reached every corner of the country, to hearts, to homes” and “all those parts of the world where Venezuela is today”.

At the end of the meeting, citizens and opposition leaders lit candles or lit lights on their phones as a message that “darkness is being conquered” and that “the light has come” with González Urrutia being “the next president of Venezuela”, as he explained.

GS (El Nacional, EFE)

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