Venezuelan TV Host Migbelis Castellanos Reveals Surprise Pregnancy to Co-Stars on ‘Desiguales’

by time news

2024-08-16 19:56:59

A week ago, Karina Banda noticed changes in Migbelis Castellanos, so the Mexican decided to confront her co-hosts from the show Desiguales (Univision). “She told me: ‘Sorry, but I was going to tell you this for days, you have been acting very strange, you spend your time sleeping and yesterday I noticed that your boobs [breasts] are bigger than ever, are you sure you’re not pregnant?’”, Castellanos recounts with a big laugh, as she kept her condition a secret to share the good news with her co-hosts live on the program this Friday. “[I told her:] ‘Oh no, I don’t think so, I already saw my period, I’ll take a test, but it’s just that I’m not on a diet.’”

Of course, Banda, -who is undergoing treatment to become a mother with her husband Carlos Ponce– didn’t buy the story. “Sure you are pregnant and you’re going to announce very soon that it’s a girl,” the Venezuelan recounted her friend’s response. “That Karina! She almost ruined my plans.”

Since finding out that she was pregnant for just four weeks, the Venezuelan presenter and her boyfriend, New York businessman Jason Unanue, decided to keep the secret until they reached three months of pregnancy.

Juan Manuel Gomez @juanito_visual; Hairstyling: Lucio Luciano @lucio_luciano; Makeup: Roxana Galindo @roxanagalindomua; Promotional video: @nicetumeetyou

“I’m happy to be free, because I realized that I can’t keep a secret. I didn’t want anyone to know, not for something bad, [but] for the safety of the pregnancy, but I also wanted to have the opportunity that it wouldn’t leak to another outlet,” Castellanos points out. “I wanted to have the chance to tell the people who have followed my career and second to do it in my own words on Desiguales.”

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Juan Manuel Gomez @juanito_visual; Hairstyling: Lucio Luciano @lucio_luciano; Makeup: Roxana Galindo @roxanagalindomua; Promotional video: @nicetumeetyou

That’s why, along with the producer of the show Carlos Mesber, the blonde planned to announce the news today to her set co-hosts Adamari López, Dr. Nancy Álvarez, Amara La Negra, and Banda, in addition to sharing it with People en Español. “They find out today,” Castellanos confesses excitedly, as her plans didn’t include becoming a mother at this moment. “Honestly, I don’t feel like it was planned to have a baby this year, but I won’t say we were avoiding it either.”

Victor Matos/Mezcalent

The truth is that the couple had been talking about a family future practically since they met a year and a half ago at a private event in New York. “I knew he was the one; when I saw that guy from behind, with curly hair, dressed in a suit and tie and with a beer in hand, I thought he was the sexiest thing in the world. Although one day I shared that with Rodner Figueroa and he said I was ridiculous,” the former Miss Venezuela remembers with a smile. “I asked who the curly-haired guy was and thanks to asking about the curls, now he is the father of my child.”

Juan Manuel Gomez @juanito_visual; Hairstyling: Lucio Luciano @lucio_luciano; Makeup: Roxana Galindo @roxanagalindomua; Promotional video: @nicetumeetyou

The connection was so strong that despite the curly-haired prince not being a big fan of Miami, he said goodbye to the Big Apple four months ago to move to South Florida with Castellanos. “We didn’t waste any time,” says the 29-year-old presenter without shame. “Now I always play the song by Enrique Iglesias ‘Move to Miami’.”

These four months have been filled with new adventures and challenges that have greatly strengthened the relationship of the lovebirds, even more with this pregnancy. “I found out at four weeks because I am very regular with my period. I took a test, and we went into the bathroom and talked for a while until I asked him to turn around the test and it was positive,” the model recalls. “Our first reaction was a mix of excitement and nerves, and I took another and another test and all were positive. Two days later I had a scan to see if the sac had an embryo, and from then on it was up to me to work and pretend I didn’t know anything at work, but my mind was somewhere else.”

Juan Manuel Gomez @juanito_visual; Hairstyling: Lucio Luciano @lucio_luciano; Makeup: Roxana Galindo @roxanagalindomua; Promotional video: @nicetumeetyou

Her body has certainly changed too. “I get fatigue in the morning, but I control it by having breakfast. I do my Desiguales and I am attentive to what I eat. The only thing that has hit me hard is reflux and heartburn, but I’m having a lot of patience and I don’t complain about anything,” explains Castellanos, who also hasn’t had crazy food cravings. “The biggest change I’ve had is my boobs [breasts], they have grown, [but] I feel like these months have been very calm, the only thing is that I fall asleep in the afternoon.”

Juan Manuel Gomez @juanito_visual; Hairstyling: Lucio Luciano @lucio_luciano; Makeup: Roxana Galindo @roxanagalindomua; Promotional video: @nicetumeetyou

Do they want a boy or a girl? “It sounds cliché, but I want them to be healthy. I talk to my baby a lot and I thank God every day, I thank God for trusting me to have someone in my womb,” she says. “My mom thinks it’s a girl, my dad thinks it’s a boy, Jason is hoping for a girl, but we aren’t leaning towards a gender. He suggested we wait to find out the sex when the baby is born; we still don’t know if we will do that; I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold out.”

What Castellanos does have very clear is that the name of her child cannot be as complicated as hers. “I have a trauma with my name, with which I always dealt with my mom because it’s a compound name,” she confesses. “What I am sure of is that the name has to be short and pronounced the same in English and Spanish.”

Future Trends in Celebrity Parenthood Announcements

As the spotlight continues to shine on celebrity culture, the trends surrounding pregnancy announcements are evolving, reflecting broader societal changes in family planning, shared experiences, and personal branding.

The recent revelation from Venezuelan presenter Migbelis Castellanos about her pregnancy, kept under wraps until three months into gestation, highlights a growing preference among celebrities to take control of their narratives. As they navigate their personal and public lives, many stars are opting to share their ‘big news’ in formats that resonate with their audience, such as live television reveals or social media sneak peeks.

With platforms like Instagram and TikTok thriving, expect more creative and interactive announcements that incorporate audience engagement, such as polls about baby names or gender reveals. This trend not only fosters a sense of community but also deepens the emotional connection between celebrities and their followers.

Furthermore, the focus on mental and physical health during pregnancy is gaining traction. Celebrities are increasingly candid about their experiences with pregnancy-related challenges, as seen in Castellanos’ openness regarding fatigue and health concerns. This trend is likely to encourage more open discussions around pregnancy, mental health, and the struggles that come with impending motherhood.

Additionally, the desire for inclusivity in parenting discussions is on the rise. Expectant parents are more likely to share not just their joys but also their fears and uncertainties—making the conversation more relatable. The notion of ‘perfect’ parenting is fading, giving way to a more authentic dialog that embraces both the ups and downs of parenthood.

Finally, as more couples embrace unconventional timelines for starting families, either delaying parenthood or even exploring non-traditional paths such as IVF or surrogacy, it’s clear that future announcements will increasingly reflect diverse family structures and approaches to parenting.

In this new age of transparency and community involvement, how celebrities choose to announce their pregnancies will continue to shape the narrative around parenthood, making it a dynamic topic that resonates with families around the globe.

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