Venezuelan vice president was injured; tree fell on her while she was assessing damage

by times news cr

2024-07-03 23:41:03

The vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodriguezwas injured on Tuesday, July 2 after tree fell on him while carried out a damage assessment caused by the Huracán Beryl during its passage through the Caribbean Sea.

In accordance with Nicolas Maduropresident of Venezuela, the events occurred when the official was touring the surroundings from the town of Cumanacoain the state of Sucre.

Just hours before the accident the Vice President of Venezuela He posted a message on his social networks, where he detailed that he was heading to Sucre accompanied by a commission of ministers.

Venezuelan Vice President injured after tree falls on her while assessing damage from Hurricane Beryl

The Vice President of Venezuela was injured after a tree fell on her while assessing the damage from Hurricane Beryl in the state of Sucre.

The accident took place when Delcy Rodriguez He was with several families in the town of Cumanacoaand the strong gusts of wind caused the detachment of several trees.

This is because the rains They caused the softening of the earthcausing several trees to fall due to strong winds.

One of them fell on the Venezuelan vice president, causing him several blows who required medical attention.

Later, and announcing the news on the state channel VTV, Nicolás Maduro explained that Delcy Rodriguez She was “badly injured,” although despite the spectacular nature of the accident she was fine.

The Venezuelan president added that the vice president He was “conscious and strong”in addition to having already maintained communication with her, where she sent a greeting to the public.

“Unfortunately, our colleague Delcy Rodríguez had an accident in Cumanacoa while attending to the people… One of the trees fell on her, she was badly injured. She is conscious, she is strong, she just wrote to me.”

Nicolas Maduro

Prior to the accident, the same Venezuelan official had announced her trip to Sucre, where she pointed out that He went with a commission of ministerssent by President Nicolás Maduro.

This is in order to assist families affected by Hurricane Beryl, after the rains caused severe damage in the Sucre region.

“Following instructions from President Nicolas Maduro, we are going to the state of Sucre, together with a commission of ministers, to immediately assist the families affected by the rains caused by Hurricane Beryl in the Caribbean Sea.”

Delcy Rodriguez

Three dead in Venezuela due to Hurricane Beryl

During the same message, Nicolás Maduro confirmed that the death toll in Venezuela due to the passage of Hurricane Beryl increased to 3 peopleafter a man’s body was found on the night of July 2.

The president confirmed that this victim is part of the group of 5 people reported missing in the town of Cumanacoa, just a few kilometers away. 430 kilometers east of Caracas.

Nicolás Maduro said that the search for victims will continue, as the rescue efforts have not been suspended despite the rains.

Nicolas Maduro (EFE)

2024-07-03 23:41:03

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