Venice Film Festival, to Roberto Benigni the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement

by time news

Attributed to Roberto Benigni the Golden Lion to career of the 78th Venice International Film Festival, which will take place from 1 to 11 September 2021. The decision was made by the Board of Directors of the Venice Biennale, which adopted the proposal of the director of the exhibition Alberto Barbera. “My heart – said the director, actor and screenwriter – is full of joy and gratitude. It is an immense honor to receive such high recognition for my work from the Venice International Film Festival ”.

“Since its inception – underlined the director Barbera – which took place under the banner of a breath of innovation and disrespectful of rules and traditions, Roberto Benigni has established himself in the panorama of the Italian show as a reference figure, unprecedented and unparalleled. Alternating his appearances on theatrical stages, film sets and television studios with surprising results from time to time, he has imposed himself in all by virtue of his exuberance and impetuousness, of the generosity with which it is granted to the public and the joyfulness passionate that is perhaps the most original figure of his creations “.

“With admirable eclecticism – continued Barbera – without ever renouncing to be himself, he passed from taking on the role ofcomic actor among the most extraordinary of the rich gallery of Italian interpreters, to those of memorable director capable of making films of enormous popular impact, to ultimately transform into the most appreciated interpreter and popularizer of the ‘Divine Comedy’ Dante. Few artists have been able to blend his explosive comedy, often accompanied by irreverent satire, with admirable skills as an interpreter – at the service of great directors such as Federico Fellini, Matteo Garrone and Jim Jarmusch – as well as a compelling and refined literary exegete “.

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