“Angelina Jolie will likely win her first Academy Award for Best Actress.”
The first screening of the new film ‘Maria’ was held at the ’81st Venice Film Festival’ on the 29th (local time). After the film ended, the audience stood up and gave 8 minutes of applause and cheers. The film’s lead actress, Jolie (49, pictured), who was present at the event, could not hide her overwhelming emotions and shed tears.
Film media Variety reported that Jolie is likely to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress early next year for her role in “Maria.” The New York Times (NYT) also reported that Jolie’s nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress next year is certain. Foreign media also praised Jolie’s performance in “Maria” as being of a high standard.
At Jolie’s press conference held right after the screening, the first question was, “Are you expecting to win an Academy Award?” Jolie answered, “I did my best, thinking only of the opera fans and Maria Callas’ family.” She emphasized that “Maria” is a biopic depicting the later years of Greek-American opera singer Callas (1923–1977), and that she was engrossed in the film. The film concludes a trilogy of female-centered stories by director Pablo Larraín, who also directed “Jackie” (2016) and “Spencer” (2021). The film is scheduled to be released on Netflix within the year.
Jolie won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in “Into the Wild” in 1999. She was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in “Changeling” in 2009, but did not win.
Meanwhile, Jolie’s ex-husband Brad Pitt (61) has also decided to attend the Venice Film Festival. However, it seems unlikely that the two will meet again as the festival has adjusted their schedules.
Reporter Lee Ji-yoon [email protected]
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