Venier case and dental implants, when nerve injuries can occur-

by time news

L’implant surgery it is to all intents and purposes a surgical intervention that in most cases requires a outcome extraordinarily favorable. Dental implants require meticulous care of home hygiene on the part of patients: if attention is maintained constant, they can persist for a long time. What happened to Mara Venier, «facial paresis with suspicion nerve injury ” it’s a rare event, the statistics speak of less than 1% of cases according to the data reported by Oris-Broker Andi, the National Association of Italian Dentists.

The maneuvers most at risk

The maneuvers most at risk for the onset of this complication are theextraction of the lower third molars and the implant surgery in the lateral-posterior mandibular sectors. In fact, the inferior alveolar nerve , a sensory nerve, and its damage causes an alteration of functionality that translates in practice into the sensation of permanence of anesthesia o di reduced sensitivity of the area. “These are exceptional events – clarifies the doctor Carlo Ghirlanda – president of the Andi -. The inferior alveolar nerve is a nerve positioned in a canal inside the mandible, therefore often close to the areas of intervention for the insertion of an implant. In oral surgery or implantology there is the possibility that the nerve in the vicinity of the area in which the intervention is carried out may have repercussions, but as mentioned, in extremely rare cases “.

The instruments

Before the interventions, all the tools to study the patient’s anatomy are available to dentists: CT scans for 3-D examinations, computerized analyzes, radiographs that help specialists choose the technique and implant that best suits the therapy to be performed. perform for that area. «Despite the extraordinary skills of professionals, they can still occur micro-injuries to the nerves. It is one of the possible complications because perhaps in that area there was a partial deviation of the nerve that radiology has not seen “explains Ghirlanda.

The course

In the case of Mara Venier the prognosis is not clear, it is absolutely not certain that a primary nerve injury has occurred. “The swelling is absolutely normal: any intervention on the bone creates swelling,” Ghirlanda reflects. «If I place a weight how can the implant be on sensitivity fibers of the nerve, it can happen that they come tablets and no longer effectively transport the nerve impulse. These are the cases in which we must wait and understand the evolution. Often these are temporary problems that resolve themselves within a few weeks ». In fact, when the problem concerns compression injuries, the nerve fibers remain intact, spontaneous resolution occurs on average in a couple of months even if each individual patient has different recovery times.

More serious injuries

Intraoperative nerve stretching injuries, on the other hand, in addition to causing compression, can cause microscopic anatomical damage to the nerve structures; in this case the resumption of functionality takes longer, generally from 3 to 6 months or even more. If, on the other hand, some part of the nerve is involved in the operation, the consequences are much more serious and it is very difficult to recover functionality because the nerve is a tissue that does not regenerate and the only possible therapy is microsurgical reconstruction. , the outcome of which is however unpredictable.

June 10, 2021 (change June 10, 2021 | 13:16)


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