Véran, Dussopt, Attal, Braun-Pivet, Beaune… to the left of the macronie, everyone makes their way

by time news

“We can no longer continue to have dinners between us to write press releases, while the right wing, it is accelerating”, confides a member of the Macronist left. Stung to the quick by the activism of Bruno Le Maire, Gérald Darmanin or even Édouard Philippe, the social-democratic wing of the majority wants to react. Except that for the time being, everyone is making their own way, without much coordination.

The Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, is preparing to merge his Territories of Progress movement into the Renaissance party, a movement resulting from the reorganization of LREM. He defends a line loyal to the president, extolling the notion of progress. Some, in the government, wish to reflect “on the future of social democracy” with Gabriel Attal. But the Minister of Public Accounts no longer wants to be classified in the left wing, considering himself a “historical channel macronist, neither left nor right”, reports a Walker.

No leader or strategy stands out

The Minister of Transport, Clément Beaune, no longer hesitates to make himself heard outside his swimming lane, as when he described the remarks of his government colleague Caroline Cayeux on marriage for all as ” extremely hurtful”.

For his part, Olivier Véran, the government spokesperson, receives many left-wing parliamentarians and personalities from civil society in his ministry. However, he will not take on any responsibilities in Renaissance.

One thing is certain: for the time being, no leader or strategy stands out. The absence of grognards Richard Ferrand and Christophe Castaner, defeated in the legislative elections, is felt in the organization of this camp.

Consequently, all the scenarios are on the table and everyone has their own speculations… “We will have to follow the appetites of the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, slips a government adviser. She is experiencing a meteoric rise. Why would she stop on such a good path? »

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