Veronica Raimo wins the narrative section of the Viareggio – Rèpaci Award

by time news

Veronica Raimo with “Niente di vero” published by Einaudi wins the Viareggio – Rèpaci prize 93rd edition of the Narrative section. The announcement was made by the president of the jury Paolo Mieli during the final evening which took place this evening, Sunday 31 July, in Viareggio.

The writer, already winner of the 2022 Strega Giovani Award, obtains the prestigious Viareggio award by narrating the life of a young woman who uses irony as a literary choice to unhinge the genre through neurosis, sex and family disasters.

To the other two finalists of the Narrative section, Vanni Santoni with his story that revolves around Good and Evil entitled “The truth about everything”, published by Mondadori, and to Elena Stancanelli with her work that has Raul Gardini as protagonist “Il diver “, published by La Nave di Teseo, was awarded the” Viareggio Jury “award.

On the stage set up in Piazza Maria Luisa near the Hotel Principe di Piemonte, the presenter Monica Giandotti led a brilliant ceremony, informal but elegant and much followed by the public who freely filled the seats and crowded the square in front with the backdrop of the sea.

Next to her, the president of the Paolo Mieli Prize alternated on the stage and the vice-president of the jury Leonardo Colombati, writer and rector of the “Molly Bloom” Academy of Creative Writing in Rome.

The mayor of Viareggio Giorgio Del Ghingaro opened the evening by offering institutional greetings to all the jury present and to the guests, then leaving room for literature and the ceremony immediately entered the heart of the delivery of the awards: International Award to the writer and journalist Wlodek Goldkorn , Journalism Award to political columnist Silvia Sciorilli Borrelli and Opera Prima to Pietro Castellitto for his “Gli Iperborei” published by Bompiani. Agnese Pini was awarded the Special Mention “Viareggio-Rèpaci” 2022 to the editor-in-chief of the newspapers of Editoriale Nazione.

Then the poet Claudio Damiani, author of the collection “Prima di nascere”, published by Fazi, who received the parchment of the Viareggio – Rèpaci Prize for Poetry from the hands of Colombati and the juror and poet Maria Borio, went on stage, while for Carlo Carabba with “La prima parte”, published by Marsilio, and Silvia Bre with “Le campane”, published by Einaudi, the “Giuria Viareggio” award was withdrawn.

For Nonfiction, the winner Silvia Ronchey with “The Last Image”, published by Rizzoli Libri, received the award from the hands of President Mieli. Enrico Terrinoni then took the stage with “Su all the living and the dead. Joyce in Rome”, published by Feltrinelli, who obtained the “Giuria Viareggio” award as well as Vincenzo Trione with “Artivismo”, published by Einaudi.

Also present was almost the entire Jury composed of, in addition to Mieli and Colombati, Costanza Geddes da Filicaia (professor of contemporary Italian literature who also performs the functions of literary secretariat), Luca Alvino (poet), Maria Pia Ammirati (television director , writer and journalist), Camilla Baresani (writer and teacher), Giorgio Biferali (writer and teacher), Maria Borio (poetess), Gabriella Buontempo (film producer), Diamante D’Alessio (journalist), Francesca Ferrandi (author), Emma Giammattei (professor of Italian literature), Luciano Luciani (professor and journalist), Edoardo Nesi (writer and essayist), Mirella Serri (professor of literature and journalism).

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