Vianney Ivoulou advocates the policy of sharing and solidarity

by time news

DEPARTMENT OF LEKOKO: Landry Vianney Ivoulou advocates the policy of sharing and solidarity

3 mars 2023

Landry Vianney Ivoulou has made social issues his hobbyhorse. After giving primary and secondary learners in Bakoumba teaching materials last November, it is the turn of households to benefit from domestic gas cylinders. It was the past weekend, in the presence of certain authorities from the department of Lékoko.

If there is pleasure in giving than in receiving, Landry Vianney Ivoulou has once again demonstrated it. He responded favorably to the grievances of the populations of certain villages in the department of Lékoko. More than 400 gas cylinders were distributed to the populations. In other words, more than four hundred households have benefited from this gesture of the benefactor, son of Bakoumba. He also maintains that the gesture made towards the populations is in line with the policy of the highest authorities of the country, at the head of which, the President of the Republic, Head of State, Ali Bongo Ondimba.

He considers that it is his duty to practice the policy desired and supported by the Gabonese President, that of coming to the aid of those who are in need. He did it. And especially at this time when the provinces of Haut-Ogooué and Ogooué-Lolo have experienced a severe shortage of basic necessities caused by the cessation of train activities, ” I find happiness in myself to make others happy. With the little we have, we can sow joy in the hearts of our neighbours. I advocate for the love of sharing, solidarity to hope to harvest living together“says Landry Vianney Ivoulou, the one that many describe as altruistic, generous.

Present and witnesses of this gesture of generosity, the Prefect and the Mayor, on behalf of the beneficiary populations, thanked the benefactor. “Generosity is a quality, a virtue that many do not have” will say the first Magistrate of the commune of Bakoumba, Dr Jonas Limété. And to continue by quoting Spinoza, this philosopher of the XVIIth century: “Generosity is a desire by which an individual endeavors to assist other men and to establish between them and himself a bond of friendship.“.

The populations also praised the gesture. This surge of solidarity, of sharing for them, is a proof of love. It is a gesture that teaches and shows how society should behave. ” We mothers are happy. Our son gave us a gift. He has our blessings. God will open doors for him and give him many opportunities. He is blessed“launches a sexagenarian as if to show how much this gesture touched him.


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