Viareggio Award 2022, wins Veronica Raimo-

by time news

Lauthor of “Niente di vero” (Einaudi) wins the 93rd edition. Among the winners also Claudio Damiani (for poetry) and Silvia Ronchey (for non-fiction)

A coming-of-age novel capable of interpreting these times, pandemic and war, won. And most importantly, she won the story of a writer in which introspection, irony, obsession and psychopathologies of everyday life are described with an enveloping and immediate prose, just like in a screenplay.

She was the star of Veronica Raimo with Nothing true (Einaudi) to shine on the night of the Viareggio-Rèpaci Award, a 93rd edition renewed for date, location, awarding of prizes and related events. On the evening of Sunday 31st, from the piers of the evocative but somewhat narrow Viareggio dock of last year’s edition, we moved to the large stage in Piazza Maria Luisa, in front of the historic Grand Hotel Principe di Piemonte, which this year celebrates its 100th birthday, and at the nearby historic Galliano bar that turns 99 years old. They too are steeped in history and literature.

And it is in this agora, caressed by the liberty style of the promenade and a stone’s throw from the sea, that the name of the last of the three winners of the literary to Claudio Damiani) was revealed with the inevitable suspense. «Veronica Raimo is a writer full of talent and courage already winner of the Young Witch Prize and her novel is this year’s publishing phenomenon – explained Paolo Mieli, president of Viareggio-Rèpaci -. A significant victory, just as all the other authors have been of great depth ». Raimo was not without difficulty chosen by the jury among the other two finalists: Vanni Santoni with the The truth about everything (Mondadori) who explores the universe of guilt and Elena Stancanelli with her work that has Raul Gardini as protagonist, The diver (The ship of Theseus).

There was no shortage of applause to the winners of the other sections who took the stage to collect the prizes of the sections dedicated to non-fiction and poetry: Silvia Ronchey with The last image published by Rizzoli and Claudio Damiani, author of the collection Before being born, exit for Fazi. The last image encloses the extreme thought of James Hillman, one of the greatest contemporary philosophers and one of the greatest exponents of Jungian psychoanalysis. A real cultural, ethical and political testament entrusted to talks with Silvia Ronchey. Before being born instead it is the journey of the poet Damiani, which begins with a question from the author as a child: where was he before he was born, where could he put his feet? Because, she says, “it seemed incredible to me not to have existed before / and it also seemed incredible to me to have existed”.

Recognitions also to the winner of the international award Goldkorn vodide and the political columnist Silvia Sciorilli Borrelli winner of the journalism award. While Pietro Castellittoson of actor Sergio and Margaret Mazzantini, was awarded for the first work The Hyperboreans (Bompiani). Paolo Mieli recalled the courageous article written by Sciorilli Borrelli in response to his newspaper, the “Financial Times”, which had hoped that Draghi would remain prime minister and not be elected president of the Republic. “While she explained that instead it would have been better to have Draghi al Colle because sooner or later he would have been dismissed as premier,” said Mieli.

The Viareggio Jury Prize was awarded to all finalists and among these, in addition to the two already mentioned in the narrative section, there are Carlo Carabba con The first part (Marsilio), Silvia Bre with The bells (Einaudi), Enrico Terrinoni with On all the living and the dead. Joyce in Rome published by Feltrinelli and Vincenzo Trione with artivism, published by Einaudi. Special mention to Agnese Pini, editor of the newspapers of Editoriale Nazionale.

Finally, some very good news: the new archive of the Viareggio – Rèpaci Prize was born. It is located inside the Guglielmo Marconi municipal library and is made up of over 1,400 books, evidence of the 93 years since the birth of Viareggio. An extraordinary tool for all those who want to deepen the formidable story of a prize born on the beach and its mythical creator Leonida Rèpaci. The final evening was conducted by the journalist Monica Giandotti, together with Paolo Mieli (who from the stage asked for a minute of silence for the victims of the Viareggio massacre in 2009: a tribute, he said even among the complaints of some present and family members of the victims, which the award will repeat every year) and by the vice-president of the jury Leonardo Colombati.

July 31, 2022 (change July 31, 2022 | 22:22)

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