Vice President for Internationalization > Resilience in Higher Education, the Erasmus+KA2 RESUPERES 2021 project, launches its first Pilot Study at the University of Granada

by time news

RESUPERES set out as its main objective the design, analysis, and evaluation of a Pilot Study with an Intervention Program in the educational context of Higher Education in the different participating institutions.

For this, the Granada team has developed the first of the Pilot Studies, in which students and teachers from the different partner countries (Spain, Serbia, Italy, Portugal and Norway) are participating. In this study, workshops and intervention programs are being carried out that work on Resilience constructs directed by professors from the University of Granada, but also by other professionals such as the flamenco dancer Jorge Crecis or Carmen Vílchez, the artistic director and choreographer of the theater company Cía.Vinculdos.

Some workshops carried out are: a physical condition program based on the improvement of strength; an Escape Room on resilience; a cognitive training workshop; a Mindfulness workshop; a healthy eating and nutrition program; an urban Gymkhana through the city of Granada or dance and movement workshops taught by professionals. All this with the aim of creating a transversal subject in university studies where constructs of resilience are developed, such as coping, self-concept, self-esteem, and leadership, through the areas of body expression, physical education and sports, art and communication, music, scenic and cultural arts.

The RESUPERES team is committed to resilient training, which helps both teachers and students to face problems with a critical and positive attitude, and to overcome any adversity, reinforcing the consolidation of personality.

More information:

Contact: Maria del Mar Cepero González. Project coordinator, [email protected]

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