Vice President for Internationalization > The University of Granada celebrates the 20th edition of its International Training Week for Staff of International Partner Universities (Staff Training Week).

by time news

The University of Granada celebrates its 20th International Training Week for Staff of International Partner Universities (Staff Training Week) from March 6 to 10, 2023. It will be attended by more than fifty professionals and managers of university management from partner institutions through the Erasmus+ country program the following countries: Algeria, Armenia, Bosnia, Cambodia, Philippines, Georgia, Israel, Kosovo (UNMIK 1244), Libya, Myanmar, Palestine, Romania, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Ukraine.

The main objective of this training week is the exchange of experiences and ideas that make it possible to learn about and share other work approaches and other forms of management, in order to improve daily work in the participating institutions.

The inauguration took place today, Monday, March 6 at 9:45 in the morning in the Triunfo Room of the Triunfo Administrative Complex, with a welcome from José Martínez Aroza, Erasmus + International Coordinator of the Office of the Vice President for Internationalization. This was followed by an informative session on internationalization by Ignacio Blanco Medina, Director of International Strategy, and later another on the European Arqus Alliance.

Throughout the week, various talks and workshops will be given and carried out in different areas of work, as well as presentations by the Universities of origin of the participants.

Added to this are cultural activities such as guided visits to the heritage of the University of Granada (Hospital Real) and the Science Park.

The International Training Week will culminate on Friday, March 10 in the Sala Triunfo with the closure by Silvia Montero Martínez, director of linguistic services of the Office of the Vice President for Internationalization.

Complete program:

Contact: Dr. José Martínez Aroza, Erasmus + International Coordinator of the Office of the Vice President for Internationalization, [email protected] 958248059

Carolina González Madrigal, Coordinator of the Information, Documentation and Promotion Area, International Relations Office, [email protected], 958249792

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