Vice President for Internationalization > Transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ Cooperation project “Hack-IT: Hackathon and Innovative Methodologies based on ICT in Higher Education”, at the UGR

by time news

The University of Granada has organized the transnational meeting of the project “Hack-IT: Hackathon and Innovative Methodologies based on ICT in Higher Education”.

This project focuses on the development of digital and pedagogical skills in ICT, taking advantage of the experience and knowledge of university professors from different countries.

Representatives of the Polytechnic Institute of Braganza (Portugal), the Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania), the Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland), the University of the West (Sweden) and the University of from Granada (Spain).

“Hack-IT” runs between 2022 and 2025 and is one of the 7 Key Action Cooperation Associations 2 approved in the 2021 call, in which the UGR participates within the framework of the Erasmus+ Program, being the coordinator of one of they.

For two days the progress in the different actions of the project have been presented and methodologies have been designed and planned to train teachers in innovative practices and ICT tools. In addition, in Granada the experiences of each institution have been shared and the new challenges of higher education have been discussed.

A cohesive network of experts and a community of practice established among the participating countries will jointly develop resources that can be used sustainably by higher education teachers. All this will maximize the benefits of learning and keep students motivated, despite the new obstacles that may arise.

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