“Vicoli Corti, Suburban Cinema”. The Massafra festival starts on the 16th

by time news

noon, December 15, 2021 – 12:32 pm

Twelve short films and six feature films are scheduled, mostly premieres

from Cesare Bechis

A scene from “Regina” by Alessandro Grande, scheduled for Saturday at 8.45pm

Tomorrow kicks off a Massafra the sixteenth edition of «Vicoli Corti, Cinema di Periferia», the festival conceived and produced by the Il Serraglio association, with the artistic direction of Vincenzo Madaro and the cinematographic consultancy of Massimo Causo and Davide Di Giorgio. It will last until Sunday 19 and will take place in the presence of the Spadaro film theater, in Piazza dei Martiri 10. The exhibition, the organizers confirm, “will, as always, focus on new cinematographic languages, to discover the best of young authors behind the camera. , in particular by enhancing that suburban cinema – often invisible in the major distribution circuits – which constitutes an inexhaustible factory of ideas, with increasingly modern and futuristic visions, without ever neglecting the fundamental inheritance of the past ».

The festival program

The program offers twelve short films and six feature films, mostly premieres for Puglia, of national and international caliber and will host young authors who have already obtained important awards. The theme at the center of the festival will be adolescence and the condition of women, told in different languages ​​and styles. Tomorrow the first six short films will be screened, on Friday three shorts and two feature films, on Saturday the last three shorts and two long films (including Alessandro Grande’s «Regina»). The conclusion is scheduled for Sunday 19. The Massafra festival also this year confirms the training activity on film language for school teachers, by the group of trainers of Giffoni Experience (on December 16 and 17 in streaming, from 4pm ). On 17 December, at 9, a day of professional orientation is scheduled at the scientific high school “De Ruggieri” in Massafra with the students of the artistic address, curated by Nicola Sammarco, founder of the Animatà animation academy.

December 15, 2021 | 12:32

© Time.News

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