Victory with failed legs: Danny Devorin on the Haifa derby

by time news

Football is the only one of all ball games, where a team can look like a shadow of itself, and still win. This is also what happened last night (D) in the derby of the city of Carmel, where Maccabi beat Hapoel 0:1. Luckily for her, the winning goal was of course an own goal.

It is not clear what exactly happened to Maccabi Haifa, precisely in the game that the football fans in the city were eagerly waiting for. As someone who watched the derby on TV, I searched for many minutes where Maccabi was hiding, and not because of the fact that its players gave up the green outfit this time.

On the grass, the improvement in the ability of the Hapoel team, since the arrival of coach Roni Levy, stood out above all. She settled down, played smartly, although her most prominent weak point is the lack of punching power of the attack. In football you win with goals. To be honest, Maccabi goalkeeper Josh Cohen had no work at all, except for a ball or two, which he handled personally, without any difficulty.

| Maor Alxalsi

The problems were with his team, the leader of the table, which this time showed how not to play football. The back line should admit that, as mentioned, Hapoel Haifa does not have a dangerous attack. The left back, Pierre Cornot, was bad and made several mistakes in an inexplicable way. The two linebackers, Shawn Goldberg and Abdulai Sek, showed everyone how to play football standing up. When the ball was under their control, they multiplied in an excessive, even annoying way, wide passes between themselves, and all this slowly, as if someone forbade them to run quickly. Both of them did not realize that the way they conducted themselves allowed the Hapoel players to organize at the back, thus preventing their team’s attempts at passing attacks many times. It can be estimated that maybe Goldberg and Sack suffered from a lot of fatigue.

But not only them. Ali Muhammad was uncharacteristically heavy in the center of the field. Dean David “hid” on the left wing of the attack, and in the center of it it seemed that Franzi Piero had lost his balance. When he tried to dribble forward, it happened that his legs did not listen to him.

The three who, more or less, saved the situation were Neta Lavi, Chiron Shelley and Mohammed Abu Fani, who came on as a substitute in the second half. The truth is that they too were far from their peak, yet the three tried to move, and push the game forward. This is the picture of the situation as I saw in the derby, and probably the continuous effort in the Champions League has squeezed every drop of energy from Maccabi Haifa.

If this is the case, this is a notable weakness of Israeli football. Imagine that our team would have come to the World Cup games, when the best of its players need rest, like air to breathe, while the World Cup obviously requires mental strength and supreme physical fitness. The 37-year-old Luka Modric (Real Madrid and Croatia national team) does not have a World Cup break. This is overwhelming evidence that our champion has room to advance, certainly if they want to reach the knockout stages in the European arena.

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