VIDEO. Aboard the “ski cripple” train, chartered especially for winter sports injuries

by time news

For her second day of skiing, no luck for Charline who found herself with her leg immobilized after a bad fall. When it was necessary to return to Paris, the skier dreaded the return: “I had to return by train but with a change, then after recovering my car on foot, etc…” Finally she discovered this system which she describes as “perfect”: a 1st class carriage of a TGV privatized by the insurance company Europ Assistance. On board, Charline has two seats so she can stretch out her injured leg. So nothing to do with the “small” place it should have had in normal times.

Same observation for Nathalie who was operated on a few days earlier after a fall on skis. She didn’t “take off her shoes, the pirouette, the total…” She was then panicked at the idea of ​​having to take the train again with the crush of the return from vacation. “Now I’m breathing, but I wasn’t zen an hour ago,” she says, comfortably installed in her seat. The opportunity to seek advice from Patrick, nurse anesthetist present in the train, on the dosage to follow for one of his drugs. A trip that promises to be pleasant for these “cripples” despite holidays ruined by accidents on the ski slopes.

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