VIDEO. Aurélie, 20, LREM activist: “Macron is the only president to have made gender equality a major cause of his mandate”

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Aurélie Gadjendra, 20, is an activist for the Republic En Marche in Paris. At the age of 12, Aurélie was the victim of a sexual assault on the way to school. This event is a real awareness of the insecurity that women experience daily in the street. During her adolescence, Aurélie was repeatedly bothered on public transport in Paris, under the indifferent gaze of passers-by. These various misadventures lead her to redouble her attention in her daily life, from the way she dresses to the times she takes public transport. During the 2017 presidential campaign, already keen on politics, Aurélie was attentive to the speech of Emmanuel Macron, who proposed a new hybrid political offer between the Republican right and left.

The young woman decides to join the new LREM party and sees her admiration for Emmanuel Macron confirmed when he proclaims on November 25, 2017, a speech in tribute to women victims of sexist and sexual violence.

He also declares that the fight for gender equality will be the great cause of his five-year term. In the eyes of Aurélie, he is the first politician to speak publicly on this subject.

From now on, she will be more than ever an activist for the Republic on the move and its president to such an extent that she becomes in the middle of Emmanuel Macron’s mandate, responsible for the movement Les jeunes avec Macron de Paris.

Five years later, taking stock, Aurélie is satisfied with her president. According to her, Emmanuel Macron has kept his promise at the start of his five-year term by putting in place measures to fight against the insecurity of women such as the Grenelle of domestic violence organized in 2019, the expansion of the police force deployed on French territory and the creation of specific police training to support women filing complaints for rape and assault.

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