VIDEO. Back to school on August 20? Teachers’ unions say “no” to Macron

by time news

2023-08-24 16:32:29

The FSU-Snuipp, the main union of the first degree, said it was “shocked” after the declarations of Emmanuel Macron in an interview with Point, on a possible shortening of the summer holidays for students in difficulty, with a return to school envisaged from August 20. The union considered that there is “a right to vacation” for these children and that the president’s proposal “stigmatised” them.

“It shocks us, because first of all there is the right to vacation for these children who must also be able to leave and discover things”, reacted this Thursday Guislaine David, secretary general of the FSU-Snuipp, during a press conference. “We already have refresher courses,” she added. “If that had had an effect, we wouldn’t ask ourselves the question of students who arrive in 6th grade with great difficulties in French and mathematics”. Moreover, “what will be their physical and mental state before All Saints’ Day”, if they start two weeks earlier, she wondered, also considering that this “stigmatises a type of student, those who are most in difficulty “.

More generally, the secretary general of the FSU-Snuipp recalls that teachers “are not there to receive injunctions” and that they “just need the means to do their job”.

“That the president, who is not an education professional, tell the teachers what they must do is something that is very special all the same”, she specified, with reference to the words of the president inviting that “every week, a great fundamental text on our values” be read in each class and then debated. “You wouldn’t tell a president to tell a surgeon how to operate on appendicitis. It’s the same for teachers.

#VIDEO #school #August #Teachers #unions #Macron

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