VIDEO | Follow the investiture debate of Pedro Sánchez live

by time news

2023-11-15 16:48:12

Updated: Nov 15, 2023 | 16:23
15 nov 2023 | 16:23

After the agreements reached with the different parties in recent weeks, Pedro Sánchez faces a more feasible investiture than that of the leader of the PP, who came to Congress only with the support of his party (137), but also those of Vox (33) and those of the Canarian Coalition and UPN (1 each). Nor did it help him to reach the second vote, when he needed a simple majority (more favorable votes than votes against), since the 172 votes in favor that he obtained in the first were the same as those obtained in the second, compared to 177 deputies who voted against.

After almost two weeks of protests at the PSOE headquarters, on Ferraz Street in Madrid, and reaching an agreement with almost all the parties (except PP, Vox and UPN), Sánchez is the protagonist of an investiture in which, in the case of that the votes cast are those committed, he will emerge as president. The session begins with a debate in which all the representatives of the political groups in the Congress of Deputies participate, which is expected to end on Thursday, and then give way to a first vote, in which Sánchez will need an absolute majority that , for now, seems to have been guaranteed.

#VIDEO #Follow #investiture #debate #Pedro #Sánchez #live

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