VIDEO. “France did not know how to protect us!” : clashes on the sidelines of the demonstration in tribute to the Kurdish victims

by time news

Several hundred people gathered on Saturday at midday Place de la République in Paris to pay tribute to the three Kurds killed and the three other people injured the day before near a Kurdish cultural center in the capital. But after a calm start, the demonstration degenerated. Clashes quickly broke out between participants and the police. Around 1 p.m., smoke bombs, fireworks and a crowd movement were observed on the Boulevard du Temple, near the Place de la République.

“We get killed in Turkey, we get killed here! »

“France failed to protect the Kurds. Twice in ten years, twice three victims, it’s not normal, we are angry. We get killed in Turkey, we get killed here! », Indignant a demonstrator questioned by the reporter Clément Lanot.

Significant damage is to be deplored. At least four cars were overturned, including at least one set on fire, and garbage cans burned. While 11 people were arrested, “mainly for damage”.

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