VIDEO: From drone to missile … noiseless laser weapon `Iron Beam ‘- Israeli Action | In world first, Israel successfully tests new laser missile defense system

by time news

Israel has successfully tested for the first time in the world the technology of laser weapons that can invisibly attack drones, rockets and missiles that enter their country’s airspace. Israel has named this laser nuclear weapon the “Iron Beam”.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has said that Israel has successfully completed the construction of the new “Iron Beam” laser air defense system. It may seem like science fiction, but it’s true. These iron beam interceptors, air-to-air missiles, rockets, drones, etc. can be hit accurately without being seen or heard. It costs $ 3.50 to launch a single attack like this with an iron beam. “

The goal is to use laser systems around Israel’s borders over the next decade to protect the country from enemy attacks. “Bennett also posted a video on his Twitter page.

Although little is known about the effectiveness of the laser system, it is expected to be used on land, air and sea.

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