Video: the Dalai Lama kissed a child and had to apologize

by time news

And video that shows the Dalai Lama kissing a child on the mouth and asking him to “suck the tongue” It went viral on social media in recent hours. As expected, the situation generated a strong repudiation by those who saw it, for which he should have asked excuse me for the fact.

“A video clip has been circulated showing a recent meeting in which a boy asked His Holiness the Dalai Lama if he could give him a hug,” said the Tibetan leader of 87 years in a statement published through his Twitter account and proceeded to apologize to both the 8-year-old boy and his family.

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“His Holiness wishes to apologize to the boy and his family, as well as to his many friends around the world, for the harm his words may have caused.”said Tenzin Gyatso, the real name of the Dalai Lama, in relation to the images disseminated on the Internet.

In the short recording you can see how the child approaches him and, after a brief dialogue, he kisses him on the lips, smiles at him and shows him his tongue, asking him to suck it. A little uncomfortable, the boy approached him, but did not comply with his request.

The outrageous situation would have taken place at the end of February of this year, during an event of the M3M Foundation in India where a large number of young students attended.

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The released statement assured that the Tibetan spiritual leader “he usually jokes with the people he meets in an innocent and playful wayeven in public and in front of the cameras” and that “it regrets the incident”.

For her part, the Tibetan Central Administration referenced the video, noting that “His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama advised a young Indian man to be a good human being, always working to cultivate peace and happiness in the world.”


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