[VIDEO] “The death of children in Salta is the mortgage that we have to get rid of, but with governments like Sáenz’s it is impossible”

by time news

2023-04-26 04:44:55

The candidate for governor Claudio Del Plá said it on DNIsalta.com, within the framework of the massive campaign rally of the MST-PO Left Front. For her part, the candidate for deputy for the same front, Andrea Villegas, dispatched: “I want to take the real problems of the people to that cave of bandits (Legislature) that decides on our lives.”

Salta DAYS.- A large act of the MST – PO Left Front took over the Plaza 9 de Julio on Tuesday evening, where the party, which came together to strengthen its bases for the provincial elections on May 14, launched its campaign in the streets of the city with their traditional slogans.

This act was attended by two of the main referents of the Argentine Left at the national level, the legislator of the City of Buenos Aires and pre-presidential candidate of the Partido Obrero Gabriel Solano, and the also candidate for the candidacy for president, the leader MST national, Celeste Fierro, who had previously visited the DNIsalta.com studio pouring interesting concepts about this election that is coming for the people of Salta, and about the hard present of the province.

Both leaders together with the main candidates of the only leftist front that will be presented in the provincial elections, were speakers at the event together with Claudio Del Plá (PO), candidate for governor, Andrea Villegas (MST), candidate for provincial deputy, Gabriela Cerrano (PO), candidate for councilor, and Carlos Zarzuri, candidate for mayor of Salta representing this unit of the Salta left.

Both Del Plá, a historical reference of the Partido Obrero in the province, and Andrea Villegas, of the Izuierda Front MST – PO, referred to the microphone of DNIsalta.com to this permanent fight against the monopoly of power in the province.

Del Plá began by saying that “the course of the provincial government is very clear. This is a government that shakes the salteño ponchito and that says that it defends all social classes, but that governs for minorities, for them there is shielding. But there is no shielding for the workers, there is no shielding for retirees, there is no shielding for the precarious ones who are paid in the black, and there is for the employer sector. The result of governments like Sáenz’s is that Banco Macro went from being number 20 to number 1, as the first national private bank. They have governed for themselves, that plan is clear to them. Later, when there are elections, they come out to lie. That Sáenz is re-elected will be the continuity of a regime that multiplies poverty”

Regarding the high rates of infant mortality in Salta, the main referent of the Salta left considered: “That is the mortgage that we have to get rid of, but with governments like those of Sáenz there are no chances. They are sending more people into poverty every day. There is already a social exhaustion and little expectation in the vote, because we have been voting for 40 years and everything is going for the worse for the workers. We need to develop a great social force that can defeat these failed capitalist politicians. That’s what it’s all about,” snapped the candidate for governor for the Left Front.

For her part, the candidate for provincial deputy Andrea Villegas, was consistent with Del Plá’s position.

“We believe that the fight we give every day we have to transfer it to the political field, that is why we are presenting ourselves in a unity list made up of workers and workers who fight every day against the adjustment policy that the government is carrying out. by Gusatvo Saenz. As a deputy I want to take all the problems and struggles of the people to that cave of bandits (the Legislature) that decides on our lives, but that does not know what it is to live with a miserable salary, with schools that are falling apart, with hospitals that do not have beds to receive dengue patients”, expressed the candidate for provincial deputy for the front, Andrea Villegas, who later listed some of her proposals.

“We are concerned about the very high percentage of poverty in the province and the number of precarious people. Urgent action is needed, and one of them will be to heavily tax the rich and powerful. And there we will have the necessary resources, which will be many, to be able to build low-income housing. No politician says how to solve the housing deficit we have in Salta, or the generation of genuine work, a policy that we are going to propose in the Legislature. We are going to propose laws and projects that go against the privileged sector, which are those who govern, their families, businessmen and corporations. All the projects that we present will be in defense of the rights of workers, youth and the environment so punished in Salta ”, he explained.

To solve the water drama, Villegas considered it essential to “break with the negotiations with businessmen for water, electricity and gas, break with the rates that apply to us every month without us seeing any kind of improvement. We want to recover public services and break with the logic that comes from Menemism. Public services have to be from the State, but under the control and orbit of the users, who are the ones who suffer from not having water, not having electricity. The Orán compañeros have already rebelled against the EDESA tariffs, they are an example of the fight, several of which continue to camp and are part of our list”.

#VIDEO #death #children #Salta #mortgage #rid #governments #Sáenzs #impossible

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