VIDEO. United States: the incredible rescue by the police of a baby trapped in a burning house

by time news

A baby saved from the flames. In Frankfort (Indiana, United States), on the night of Sunday to Monday, a family was stuck on the first floor of their house, the fire preventing them from getting out. Called, three officers of the Frankfurt police intervened on the scene and allowed the toddler to be extracted from the accommodation safe and sound. The rescue was filmed by the cameras built into the police uniforms.

Thanks to a stepladder found on the steps of the house, the police were able to rise to the height of the first floor to be at the level of the family. The baby, who had difficulty breathing, was therefore able to be evacuated, protected in a car seat. The toddler’s family was also able to get out of the burning house. The three police officers who intervened were later decorated with a “Medal of Courage” for their heroic act.

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