China Professional Baseball played at Xinzhuang Baseball Stadium today. In the 7th inning, there was a dispute that a referee was called but misjudged, which almost caused the Fubon Titans to lose the game. After the game, Yang Qinglong, secretary general of the Chinese Professional Baseball Team, admitted that this was a serious misjudgment. It will be announced tomorrow Punishment results.

The Titans originally led 2-1 in this game. After Wang Zhengtang hit a double in the 7th inning, he relied on the pitcher to hit third base. Afterwards, Fan Guochen hit a fly ball to the right field. An insurance point, but after the Wei Quanlong team urged the ruling, the referee changed the judgment that third base runner Wang Zhengtang was out due to early departure, and this point was also forfeited.

The Titans were immediately tied 2-2 by the Dragons in the 8th inning, but after the Titans’ Liu Junhao and Wang Zhengtang hit hits in the 9th inning, Gao Guohui finally hit a goodbye hit to help the Titans win 3-2 without being influenced After the game, Fan Guochen, captain of the Titans, rushed into the court angrily to ask You Zhiqin, the third base judge, to make a theory. The Titans team, including coaches and players, were quite dissatisfied.

In an interview after the game, Yang Qinglong, the secretary-general of the secondary vocational school, admitted that this was indeed a serious misjudgment. “Relevant reviews and discussions have been carried out after the game, and the punishment will be announced tomorrow.”