VideoBalance. The President said what his biggest mistake was and once again targeted the governors

by times news cr

The President of the Nation, Javier Mileywas interviewed by Luis Majul on the screen LN+ and revealed that he is “working hard on a tax reform”. He also described the former president Cristina Kirchner as “the leader of the gang” after criticism of her economic plan, and considered that her biggest mistake so far “was believing that she could negotiate based on an honest approach with the governors.”

“When we devised the law, in chapter four we outlined a fiscal situation in which we fixed the problems of the provinces and we did it with total honesty,” said the leader La Libertad Avanza (LLA) on Monday night when consulted about the law. failure of the official megaproject in Congress. “He BOTTOM and the Base Law were (to) return freedom to the people”, he expressed.

In that sense, he insisted that he was willing to bear the political cost of what the adjustment in the provinces implied. “They [los gobernadores] Instead of taking it as an act of good will, they took it as a weakness and as a consequence of this, first chapter four had to be removed and then the law lowered.”

Along the same lines, he took stock of his first 70 days at the head of the country and assured that for now “they are undefeated.” “I know what needs to be done and how to do it. “I am convinced,” he said. “We are undefeated, but The problem is that the red circle does not see it. In the debate with Massa the circle said one thing and in the polls another came out,” he recalled and detailed: “We found something much more horrible than we imagined.”

To exemplify some points that changed with respect to previous administrations, he considered the use of normal flights for his trips abroad and what that implies as savings. “On the trip to Davos we saved almost 400 thousand dollars. We made a differential of almost a million dollars, even though within the budget it seems that it is just a few coins.”

“I am going to work to shrink the State and make it look more and more like my ideal. People’s money must be taken care of and made to work,” exclaimed the President. “In two months we generate a system of political reordering. (Because) on the other side there are satraps, parasites,” he considered and revalidated the adjustment: “We are taking care of the mango in all things. If I say that you have to make the effort, we all have to make the effort.”.

Alliance with the Pro?

In another part of the interview, Luis Majul asked the President about the speculation based on the possible merger in Congress between LLA and Pro. Milei did not rule out an alliance in Deputies, but assured that this “will flow on its own.” “Look at how the scores were ordered in the vote. I always highlight the phenomenal role that Cristian Ritondo had in all of this.”, he highlighted.

However, the economist said that he believes that a merger between those two parties “it would be the vehicle of freedom that could lay the foundations for an Argentina that could be great again.””.

The greeting between Milei and Macri at the inauguration ceremony on December 10, 2023
The greeting between Milei and Macri at the inauguration ceremony on December 10, 2023

A meeting between the president and former president Mauricio Macri is also planned for this week. So when asked about his relationship with the founder of Pro, that he could return to the presidency of the party in March, he defended Macri’s management between 2015 and 2019 and added that they spoke on the phone at least once. every 10 days.

Mauricio Macri wanted and wants a better Argentina but he did not surround himself with the right people“, he added and explained that his way of governing is based on the so-called “theory of decision trees.”

Controversy with Lali Espósito

Later, Milei once again referred to the intersections she had in recent weeks with different artists and journalists, but especially with the singer Lali Espósito. She assured that it is not a personal problem with the interpreter, but that the problem “is what she represents.””. “He is someone who decided to play politically and get dirty. “He decided to use his popularity to lie to people.”

Majul investigated the president’s use of his social networks, especially X, for which, on occasions, he criticized or attacked different journalists. The President maintained that he never did anything illegal and defended himself by indicating that the only thing he does is expose those reporters who “lie.” “Can a journalist prosecute and slander? Does he have privilege over the rest of society? “Especially because many live off the money,” he questioned.

Javier Milei in the Vatican
Javier Milei in the VaticanAlessandra Tarantino – AP

Regarding criticism regarding his forms, he indicated: “Am I violating the law, life, liberty or property? What is there a shape taster? One of the most important things about the culture battle is exposing the hypocrites. Like the hypocrites of Incaa who say they are in favor of culture… They are a lie in favor of the Tongos.”

Finally, about the criticism of former Vice President Cristina Kirchner about the economic direction of the Government. Milei described her as “the leader of the gang”, alluding to the causes of corruption that involve her, but she stressed that at no time did she have words against her person, but rather against her ideas. “The attack he makes on me in that document is an attack on my ideas, not on me. “I didn’t see any personal disqualification.”

López Murphy crossed Milei again and said: “This is not going to intimidate me.”

With a chicane. López Murphy crossed Milei again and said: “This is not going to intimidate me.”

Milei resists in public opinion, although it falls in the suburbs

Milei resists in public opinion, although it falls in the suburbs

The opposition attacked Milei for describing Congress as a “rats’ nest”

“Don’t keep pulling the rope.” The opposition attacked Milei for describing Congress as a “rats’ nest”

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