VIDEOTension in the Government. Milei fired Giordano from Anses and Royon from Minería in the midst of the crisis with the provinces. They are officials linked to governors Llaryora and Sáenz; It is a political response from the president after the failure of the omnibus law in Congress; he did not appoint his replacements; the release of both

by times news cr

President Javier Miley He asked the head of Anses to resign this Friday, Osvaldo Giordano, and the Secretary of Mining, Flavia Royon, as officially reported by the government. Both officials are linked to provincial governors to whom Milei blames part of the responsibility for the fall of the omnibus law in the Chamber of Deputies.

In the communication of the Office of the Presidentwhich was made while Milei was settling in Rome for the second part of her tour, it was clarified that The respective successors of Giordano and Royon “will be announced in the coming days”. The president had already let it be known that he expected the officials themselves to resign, but he finally decided to fire them.

Since Tuesday, when the votes were taken at the venue, inside the Government they considered that both officials should take a step aside. They especially mentioned it in the case of Giordano. Close to the president they maintained that they hoped he would have the “dignity” to submit his resignation before being asked. What’s more, they considered that she should have done it that same Tuesday. “His wife voted against it. “Her political group voted against,” they defined. At the end of this week and with no news about possible resignations, the president moved forward with departures from Rome, where he is for his audience with Pope Francis.

“I had already offered my resignation to the minister. “I am not going to take charge of the deputies of Salta, but if the president understands it that way, I am not clinging to a position.”Royon said in response to a question from THE NATION. The official is linked to the governor of Salta, Gustavo Saenzwhile Giordano was minister of Juan Schiaretti in Córdoba before disembarking at the Anses.

“Beyond not sharing the reasons for the request for my resignation, I appreciate the trust placed in me for the position, especially from Minister Sandra Petovello,” said Giordano in his resignation text: “I regret not having had the time to carry out the transformations I planned. I wish President Javier Milei a great management.”he added.

Before being ejected from the Government, Giordano had been targeted by Milei because his wife, the deputy Torres, voted against an article of the omnibus law in last Tuesday’s session. Giordano, a technician praised by his management in the province of Córdoba, had come to the Government at the hands of the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francosin dialogue with the governor Martin Llaryora and his predecessor Schiaretti.

In turn, Royon is a specialist close to the governor of Salta Saenz and is noted for her experience in the private sector. The official had occupied the Secretary of Energy during the management of Sergio Massa as Minister of Economy.

Justification and rumors about successors

“The inherited crisis and the current historical moment require officials committed to the modernization, simplification and debureaucratization of the State”justified the Presidency after the dismissal of Giordano and Royón. Along the same lines, he maintained that “those who assume the responsibility of a public office must understand the harsh reality that Argentines face and defend them from the constant attack of those who seek to maintain their privileges at the expense of the people’s hunger.”

The departures of both officials leave central places in the political framework of the Executive. While the government stated that the names of those who will succeed Giordano and Royon will be known in the coming days, this evening speculation was growing about the possible appointment of Pro membersin line with the rapprochement with the libertarian ranks, something that in principle they only located at the legislative level from there.

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Adjustment. The liquefaction of spending on pensions and social programs allowed January to close with a financial surplus

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