VIDEO“Waste, inefficiency and darkness.” The Government confirmed that it removed the subsidy from 1,637 groups in the AMBA area

by times news cr

The Government confirmed the removes subsidies from 1,637 groups in the area of Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) in the midst of the salary conflict between transport companies and the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo. The person in charge of the announcement was the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, during his usual press conference this Friday. “A faucet of waste, inefficiency and darkness is dismantled,” the official stated.

The spokesperson of Javier Miley indicated that The decision was made “based on a study that determined serious irregularities.” It was thus that he explained that “The State distributed subsidies for a fleet of 18,300 buses but it was never controlled if this was the amount that transited through the AMBA.” In that sense, he assured that “a non-existent offer was subsidized and it was not controlled whether that amount was necessary or whether the fleet was adequate.”

After that, Adorni added: “This dismantles a faucet of waste, inefficiency and darkness that was very expensive for all of us.”

The member of the Libertarian administration explained that the subsidy will stop being paid starting this month. “We Argentines will save 6,200 million pesos per month. “It was an unnecessary and unjustified waste,” reported. And he closed: “With the implementation of this new system, the actual route of each unit will be determined to make the people transportation service more efficient.”

The conflict over subsidies

After the Government eliminated the subsidies Regarding transportation in the provinces, bus companies in the AMBA began to demand the corresponding payments from the Ministry of Economy; Even as a measure of protest, the frequency was reduced on several occasions. This week, in fact, they sent a document letter to Caputo where they demanded the cancellation of a debt of more than 50 billion pesos. The lack of payment, they assured, puts at risk the continuity of the services that operate in the region.

Lanús Station.
Lanús Station.Ricardo Access

In the letter – which expands and unifies the other two documents that had already been sent to the official – they remember that On February 26, the Ministry of Transportation updated the calculation of the costs of the activity “with a new underestimation of the real costs”. In that sense, they assure that the cost structure mentioned in resolution 15/24 “records gross calculation errors since it is undervalued against the operators by 30%”, a situation that “reduces tariff revenue and/or necessary compensation in equal proportion.”

“We also denounce the financial suffocation due to the fact that the Secretary of Transportation of the Nation owes part of the settlement of tariff compensations for the months of January and February 2024, for the sum of 50,278 million pesos,” they stated.

In this sense, they indicated that the majority of companies “You will not be able to pay the non-remunerative sum of $250,000 on March 15, 2024.”a figure established in the salary agreement of February 2.

Since February, there has also been a salary conflict. The Automotive Tram Union (UTA), the union that brings together bus drivers, already threatened with a paro of groups in the AMBA due to the delay of the Ministry of Labor in approving its salary agreement, sealed on February 2.

Increase for users who do not have the SUBE registered

Transportation users in the AMBA who do not have the card registered in their name GOES UP will be affected by the increase that Caputo validated for this month: as of April 1, the minimum bus section will cost $430 and the maximum, $590. By train, the cost of the ticket will double from $130 to $260.

Meanwhile, those who do have the card registered They will continue to pay the current $270 for the minimum ticket on the bus.

In the sector, it was expected that transport service rates will increase 36% in Aprildue to the resolution published in mid-February that allowed bimonthly updates of tickets due to inflation accumulated in the previous two months. The cost of the minimum section in the AMBA would have grown from $270 to $367, but Caputo decided not to make the increase and validated that the increase falls on those who do not have the SUBE registered, which would be around 2 million people.

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