Vienna does not open gastro until December 20th

by time news

The 2-G-Plus rule feared by many in the catering trade is therefore off the table. Seats must be allocated in the bars, however, said Ludwig in a press conference early on Tuesday afternoon, one day before the consultations with representatives of the federal and state governments and experts. The night gastronomy should remain closed for the time being. Ludwig wants to talk about a possible curfew at the federal-state talks on Wednesday.

Christmas markets open on Monday

The most recent consultations with the experts on Tuesday morning showed, according to Ludwig, that one must continue to ensure that there are not too many personal contacts. Basically, the exit restrictions for vaccinated and convalescent people should come to an end on December 13th.

A “step-by-step opening under strict regulations” for trade and personal service providers, but also for sports and cultural institutions, is to take place from December 13th. Then Christmas markets will also open again – under the strict safety regulations in force. At the punch and food stalls at the Christmas markets, at least take-away should be allowed until the planned opening of the restaurants on December 20th.

Restrictions on indoor sports

In indoor sports, there should be further restrictions where there is direct physical contact. The exact provisions still have to be negotiated, and they are still being agreed for cultural events, said Ludwig. There are different opinions here. It is therefore unclear whether there will be a 2-G plus rule or an FFP2 mask requirement with a 2-G rule in the field of culture.

There should also be “certain framework conditions” for the catering industry. “I think that a 2-G rule is quite realistic,” said Ludwig, rejecting an additional PCR test obligation. He also indicated that one would have to limit oneself to seats in restaurants. Which is bad news for clubs, for example: “In my opinion, nighttime restaurants should remain closed,” said Ludwig.

“Path of consistency and security”

With his ideas, he will go into the nationwide negotiations on Wednesday, Ludwig continued. He would like a common “lower edge” of measures nationwide. The Mayor of Vienna believes that there will probably be regional differences between the federal states. In any case, a federal ordinance is needed, emphasized Ludwig – who also pointed out that some federal states, including ÖVP-led states, had already announced that they would extend the lockdown.

Vienna could not relax it alone, but only tighten it. Because only those are allowed regionally. “This Viennese way is a way of consistency and security,” he emphasized. There is no talk of the pandemic being over. The Vienna numbers are better, but not good. “You shouldn’t signal now that everything is possible, you should open everything, everything is mastered.”

Nationwide negotiations from Wednesday

Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) had previously announced on Tuesday in the first press conference after his inauguration that the lockdown for those vaccinated and recovered would end on December 12th. The lockdown will continue to apply to unvaccinated people. The details would be clarified from Wednesday in talks with experts and the governors.

“The only question is how, with which protective measures,” says Nehammer. The fundamental question of the opening was decided among the governors. Retail, gastronomy and the hotel industry are likely to unlock, according to Nehammer. The right of the federal states to impose stricter measures remains upright and also makes sense – more on this ends in lockdown for vaccinated people (; December 7, 2021).

Vaccination, mask and testing

The medical director of the health network, Michael Binder, stated that the infection curve was flattening out, also in the rest of Europe – albeit partly after threateningly high incidences. In Austria, Vienna has the lowest values ​​here, he emphasized. However, the number of patients in the hospitals is still extremely high, even if the pressure is slowly decreasing. A short-term forecast showed that the numbers would decrease further – if one continued to exercise caution.

Binder also affirmed that the vaccination protected. The risk of becoming infected if not vaccinated is very high. There would be mostly unvaccinated people in the intensive care units. “And maybe in reflection of public statements I can assure you that there are no patients there who are treated with vaccine damage.” Only those affected who suffer from Covid would be in the intensive care units. Vaccination, the mask and testing together would have the highest efficiency in order to reduce the “impact” of the pandemic as much as possible.

Ludwig and Binder reported that hospital staff are currently under strong emotional pressure. One reason for this is that untruths – also from the political side – are spread in public. This would also make work in the hospitals more difficult. The FPÖ MP Dagmar Belakowitsch, for example, recently caused massive criticism, who claimed at the Corona demo on Saturday in Vienna that it was “not the bad unvaccinated people” who fill the hospitals, but “a lot of those who were vaccinated because of a vaccine damage must be treated “.

Criticism from FPÖ and NEOS

The Vienna FPÖ also rejects Ludwig’s plans for openings. The boss of the Wiener Blauen, Dominik Nepp, railed on Tuesday in a broadcast: “Ludwig is the gravedigger of the Viennese gastronomy and hotel industry, which is doing its main business just before Christmas.” It is completely unacceptable that the mayor makes it impossible for the population any longer to go to an inn.

Criticism of a later opening of the bars came promptly from the coalition partner of the SPÖ, the NEOS. “The Viennese restaurateurs must not be left in the lurch,” said their economics spokesman Markus Ornig. “In the past few months, the catering establishments have followed the Viennese path of fighting pandemics in an exemplary manner! We are convinced that an opening with the 2G or 2G-Plus rule from December 13th is responsible for health policy. Because de facto, opening it only a week later would be an economic catastrophe for the gastronomy in Vienna! “

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