Vienna’s leadership would move some of the immigrants into luxury apartments

by time news

The case has stirred up a lot of dust in Vienna, especially among those who have been waiting years for housing renovations and express their dissatisfaction with the benefits granted to migrants.

Another scandal broke out in Vienna after it was revealed that the city’s management would move some of the immigrants into luxury apartments, the Mandarin. After the case of the Syrian family, which receives 4,600 euros per month in Vienna social assistance, Michael Ludwig, mayor of the Socialist Party of Vienna (SPÖ), caused another outrage.

Diakonie and the Vienna city government want to provide 110 brand new luxury apartments for people with refugee status in Vienna’s Favoriten district. Diakonie and the city jointly make available these properties, which are air-conditioned, have a loft and a private garden.

Representatives of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) expressed their indignation.

While many Viennese residents live in moldy municipal apartments and don’t even run on new windows, migrants who have never worked here get luxury apartments

– declared Dominik Nepp, head of the FPÖ in Vienna.

The Austrian Freedom Party demands immediate measures: they submit a motion of no confidence against the socialist mayor Michael Ludwig, and they address questions to the Austrian Social Democratic Party. I would like to know who pays for these apartments and why there is no money to renovate the dilapidated municipal buildings.

As our newspaper has already reported, migrants are “earning” well in Vienna. Based on statistical data, the amount of aid is particularly high in the capital. While 73.7 percent of Syrian citizens in Vienna receive aid, this ratio in the rest of Austria is only 29.9 percent. The picture is similar for Somali citizens: 71.6 percent in Vienna, while 25.3 percent in the rest of Austria.

2024-09-22 18:55:01

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