Vietnam and France strengthen cooperation on culture, heritage and tourism | Culture

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View of the Workshop on ‘Culture, Heritage and Tourism.’ (Photo: Van Diep/VNA)

On the afternoon of April 14, within the framework of a cooperation conference between localities Vietnam-France The 12th session of the symposium “Culture, Heritage and Tourism” took place, focusing on the following topics: Preserving and promoting the value of cultural heritage, cultural industry development and tourism development cooperation.

Conservation of heritage and development of cultural industry

Vietnam has about 18 provinces and cities that have established relations and projects with localities of the French Republic, many of which are highly effective cooperation projects.

Typically, the cooperation between Hanoi and Paris and Toulouse, Lao Cai and Thua Thien-Hue with the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, Yen Bai with Val de Marne, the Grand Poitiers urban community with Thua Thien-Hue… These are the examples. Typical pairs of partners at the local level across the fields cultural cooperationheritage, tourism.

According to leaders of Vietnamese localities, over the years, cooperation projects in the field of heritage conservation and promotion have created a good premise for the development of the cultural industry.

Specifically, in Thua Thien-Hue province, there has been cooperation with French localities in the field of cultural exchange and support, restoration and preservation of cultural heritage, tourism development. Currently, Thua Thien-Hue has dozens of cooperation projects with French localities, contributing to preserving and promoting heritage values ​​and developing cultural industries.

Romain Mignot, Vice President of Grand Poitiers Urban Community, said that Thua Thien-Hue province and the Grand Poitiers Urban Community government are implementing the Harmonie project for the period 2022-2023. This project allows to promote the heritage values ​​and actors of the Thua Thien-Hue and Grand Poitiers local areas.

The Harmonie Project promotes arts education as a means of absorbing a shared and diverse culture; at the same time, develop civic education through the arts with the aim of forming responsible, creative citizens with a sense of cultural diversity.

In Hanoi, many cooperation projects with France have been implemented such as: The Ile-de-France region supported the development of the nomination dossier of Thang Long Imperial Citadel as a World Heritage, participated in criticism and comments. for 2 planning projects of Hanoi Citadel and Co Loa Citadel; consulted the display content of the Hanoi Museum, supported the People’s Committee of Hoan Kiem district to implement the project “Planning public space and experimenting with ecologically-oriented green space management in Hoan Kiem district”. ..

[Các địa phương Việt Nam và Pháp tăng quy mô, lĩnh vực hợp tác]

Meanwhile, the city of Toulouse has cooperated with Hanoi to renovate the traditional house at 87 Ma May, Dong Lac communal house, the headquarters of the Hanoi Old Quarter Management Board, 51 Hang Bac, and embellish the section of Ta street. Currently, building Hanoi Old Quarter Cultural Exchange Center at 50 Dao Duy Tu Street…

Vietnam and France meet with flowers, travel, and travel 2Delegates to the Workshop on ‘Culture, Heritage and Tourism.’ (Photo: Van Diep/VNA)

Director of the Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports Do Dinh Hong said that in order to better preserve and promote the value of cultural heritage for tourism development and building a Creative City, Hanoi wishes to wants the government of the Ile-de-France region, the city of Toulouse, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the French Embassy, ​​cities in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network and French agencies to continue to support and cooperate, accompanies Hanoi in conservation and promotion of cultural heritage values ​​and building Hanoi-Creative City.

Promote the development of cultural tourism

Many localities of Vietnam possess a system of rich heritages and rich cultural resources, which are materials to develop cultural tourism and attract tourists. Over the years, many provinces and cities have cooperated with French localities and supported tourism development, especially cultural tourism.

In Yen Bai province, the cooperation relationship with Val-de-Marne province was established in 1996. Val-de-Marne province has supported Yen Bai province to develop a sustainable tourism industry.

According to Mr. Ngo Hanh Phuc, Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Yen Bai province, through the cooperation relationship, Yen Bai province has surveyed and learned from experience in tourism in Val-de-Marne province on methods of tourism. promote tourism through communication tools, social networks, ways to build communication strategies to promote tourism images, guide and support people on how to self-communicate tourism products locally, using local people as tour guides for tourists.

The province of Val-de-Marne has supported to organize 4 training courses, training for households and units operating in the field of tourism in the locality; learning from experience the model of community-based tourism in the Northwestern provinces and the Mekong Delta; develop publications and short films about Xoe Thai Art with 2 versions Vietnamese-French…

Lao Cai province also cooperates with French localities in developing indigenous cultural tourism, thereby contributing to attracting domestic and foreign tourists to the province. With the support of French experts working at the Institute for Advanced Research in Social Sciences in Marseille, the province conducted a study on the Tay community in Nghia Do and some ethnic groups in Sa Pa, the research results Research has contributed to bringing Lao Cai’s tourism to important development steps, becoming a spearhead economic sector and a breakthrough field of the province. Currently, community-based tourism accounts for 20% of the total number of tourists coming to Lao Cai.

Vietnam and France meet with flowers, travel, and travel 3Delegates discussed on the sidelines of the symposium. (Photo: Van Diep/VNA)

The cooperation program with the Nouvelle Aquitaie region in recent years has been further promoted in many fields such as: Culture, tourism, sports, French language training to help improve tourism human resources for the locality.

Through the discussion session, Vietnamese localities wished to continue to expand decentralized cooperation with French organizations, especially continue to strengthen and develop relationships with traditional localities. experience in the fields of cultural development, tourism, promotion of heritage values, and training of human resources in which the above-mentioned localities and organizations have strengths on the basis of promoting their own values. each locality in Vietnam.

Vietnamese localities also wish that the French Embassy in Vietnam and French organizations and localities would be interested in participating and cooperating more in the fields of culture, heritage, tourism development, and development. development of cultural industries.

Dinh Thuan (VNA/Vietnam+)

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