Víktor Orban mocks the European Parliament on Twitter

by time news

The Prime Minister of Hungary, Victor Orbanhas published this Monday in Twitter a picture for taunt of European Parliament as a result of the scandal over the alleged corruption and bribery plot orchestrated by Qatar to influence decision-making in the Chamber. “Good morning to the European Parliament!” Orban wrote, along with an image from 1981 in which Ronald Reagan and other members of his government are seen laughing and on which this text can be read: “And then they said, The European Parliament is seriously concerned about corruption in Hungary.” The temptation of the Hungarian prime minister of keep the pulse to the European Union has been intensified in the last weeks.

On September 15, the European Parliament approved a resolution in which it accused Hungary of not being a “full democracy” and urged the European Commission to withhold its share of the pandemic recovery funds until it complies with the recommendations within the framework of the rule of law conditionality mechanism, including those referring to guaranteeing the judicial independence.

Orban’s blackmail

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After weeks of talks, Brussels decided to finals of november propose the blocking of 13.3 billion euros in funds. The proposal, which must be adopted by a qualified majority, was presented last Tuesday. The twenty seven Member States of the European Union decided postpone the decision and request a new analysis from Brussels to re-evaluate the possible punishment. The analysis, sent last Friday by the European Comission to the 27 ambassadors of the EU, reaffirms in its initial assessment: “Despite the measures taken by Hungary the overall risk to the EU budget remains without changes“, that is to say, the proposal of to freeze the funds to the Hungarian country.

Orban has decided to link its approval on the issues that require unanimous decisions of the Twenty-seven with the proposal of Brussels from freeze the funds structural problems assigned to your country due to the drift of the rule of law. Before the uncertainty of the path the Hungarian prime minister will take on issues raised by the European Parliament, the first sign of the Will to eliminate possible obstacles will be seen this Monday at the meeting of EU foreign ministers with the ninth package of sanctions contra Russiaproposed last week by the European Comissionand the decision to make new contributions to the European Fund for Peaceendowed with 5,500 million, with which they finance the purchase from armas to Ukraine.

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